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Should Raid Difficulties All Release at the Same Time? - Dratnos and Tettles Discuss
31.08.2022 um 10:00
This week's GG WoW video discusses a few Dragonflight topics that have come up over the past week!
They begin with discussion of a question Ion posed to the community in his
Interview with Liquid Max:
How would you feel about simultaneously releasing Normal, Heroic, and Mythic raid difficulties
Dratnos and Tettles try to take a nuanced look at this question, thinking about the impacts of such a change if it were to be implemented without any other additional changes as well as suggesting some potential changes to make alongside it to make it better.
They also cover the addition of
Battle Rez to a new class in Dragonflight
, likely Paladin. This has some raid ramifications, as especially Holy Paladins have been prominent in the metagame for the last several expansions, as well as Mythic Plus where Holy Paladin has been one of the top healers in several seasons since Mythic Plus began.
Evokers are also getting
access to Bloodlust
, which will help them have more value in a Mythic Plus environment, though likely not changing much about their value to Raid groups, since Bloodlusts are already available from several classes. Dratnos and Tettles pine for slightly stronger Drums effects but acknowledge that the addition of this effect to Evoker is good news for the viability of that class in Mythic plus, both high-end pushing and pugs (where "lf lust DPS" is a common line in the Group Finder).
What do you think about these changes? How about Ion's question to you? Let us know in the comments below!
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