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Nobbel87 Recap of the Shadowlands Story Leading Up to Patch 9.1
27.06.2021 um 17:01
With Chains of Domination launching soon, Nobbel87 is here to recap the Shadowlands story so far!
The story from Shadowlands' launch encompasses:
Our escape from the Maw
Leveling stories in Ardenweald, Maldraxxus, Bastion, and Revendreth
Sire Denathrius' fate in the Castle Nathria raid
The four Covenant-specific stories, highlighting major lore figures like Uther and Kael'thas
Our attempts to free faction leaders in Torghast, learning more about the Jailer.
The story ends on a major cliffhanger, as Sylvanas tries to convince Anduin to serve the Jailer. We saw the aftermath in the 9.1 cinematic trailer revealed at BlizzConline, but the fateful moment between Anduin and Sylvanas is not depicted. We should learn more about both character's ultimate fates in 9.1 as the Sanctum of Domination raid concludes with the players confronting Sylvanas directly as the final encounter.
The Covenant Campaigns described in Nobbel's recap video will also continue in Patch 9.1, following the stories of Uther, Draka, Tyrande, and Kael'Thas, alongside some major lore reveals on the Primus and Dreadlords.
Enemy Infiltration Recap
However, as this is a recap post and not 9.1 speculation, we are not going into spoilers quite yet! If you would like to re-familiarze yourself with the Shadowlands story, you can check out our quest walkthroughs and dialogue transcriptions below.
Introduction Story to Shadowlands
Bastion Leveling StoryMaldraxxus Leveling StoryRevendreth Leveling StoryArdenweald Leveling Story
If you only play one Covenant, check out our Covenant Campaign walkthroughs to learn what happens in the other covenants as well as the rewards you can earn such as special Covenant armor sets.
Kyrian Campaign StoryNecrolord Campaign StoryNight Fae Campaign StoryVenthyr Campaign Story
Some important parts of the Covenant Campaign have payoffs in dungeons, which may be confusing to players who did not pick the related covenant--such as encountering Devos in Spires of Ascension. We've tried to provide context for the background to each dungeon in our recaps:
Bastion Dungeon StoriesMaldraxxus Dungeon StoriesArdenweald Dungeon StoriesRevendreth Dungeon Stories
Finally, we have some Nobbel87 lore recaps on the story surrounding Shadowlands end-game content--the fate of Sire Denathrius and the interactions between Anduin and Sylvanas leading up to that cliffhanger:
Torghast StoryCastle Nathria Story
That's the Shadowlands story for now, but make sure to stay tuned to Wowhead when Patch 9.1 launches for more story recaps and freshly-datamined cinematics!
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