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New Global Realm Category Added Alongside Taiwanese Realms
23.11.2022 um 18:25
Three new servers have appeared alongside Taiwanese realms under a new "Global" category separate from the traditional Taiwan realms list. While no announcement has been made yet by either Blizzard China or Taiwan, it seems likely that these new realms may have been added in response to the news that
Blizzard services would be shutting down in China
on January 23rd.
Two new realms for Classic, and one for Retail (presumably due to War Mode removing the need to split PvE and PvP realms).
Chinese players are still waiting to hear what, if any, plans Blizzard will have to allow them to continue playing, but many have begun taking matters into their own hands. Since the news of the imminent shutdown, Taiwanese servers have been flooded by Chinese refuges opting to reroll on fresh accounts rather than lose access to World of Warcraft entirely, but this has also created conflict between the local Taiwanese player base and newly arrived expats.
Chinese and Taiwanese players are rather notorious for not getting along, which has been highlighted by a significant spike of newly arrived Chinese players reporting Taiwanese players for writing in traditional Chinese, while long-term Taiwanese players report Chinese players for using simplified Chinese. This kind of mass reporting has become
, alongside other issues of discrimination - kicking each other from parties, racial slurs, and politically incendiary comments are becoming common place. Other players have begun creating primers, coaching one another on how to mass report players in an effort to "take over" the realms.
This is by far the tamest sample of the inflammatory comments thrown around chat on a regular basis.
The addition of these new "Global" realms could be completely unrelated, though the timing of their arrival seems more than mere coincidence. Some are hoping that they'll be a new home for Chinese players, ideally with some kind of character copy function, as the prospect of starting over on completely fresh accounts is incredibly daunting to players who have over a decade of collections and progress invested already... although the realities of that may not be so simple, as NetEase holds all of the personal account information for their players and China has rather strict laws concerning the transfer of personal information across international lines.
Interestingly, the new servers also appear to be physically located Taipei rather than a more Chinese accessible location like Hong Kong, and although Chinese players don't need a VPN to actually access TW servers, they are commonly used in order to affect a better latency. Of course, Blizzard simply may not have the capability of setting up new servers in a more accessible location, or these new servers may be completely unrelated to the concerns of the Chinese player base, but until Blizzard makes any kind of announcement regarding their uncertain future, we can only speculate.
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