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muss man erst
Dicke Fische
Glitzernde Perle
angeln ->
Glitzernde Perle
Erzmagier Khadgar
Der Springbrunnen von Dalaran
, dann zu Khadgar zurückkehren.
Dort steht nun
Nat Pagle
und bietet die Quest
an. Die Dialogoption bei ihm anklicken ("Ich bin bereit. Dann zeigt mir mal diese Fischraserei."), dann wird man zum dämmernden Riff transportiert, um dort (Phase 1) alle Murlocs zu töten, (Phase 2) 15
zu angeln (
können einen hierbei angreifen), (Phase 3) mit Nat Pagle sprechen, (Phase 4) im Tümpel angeln und
besiegen. Kurz danach spawnt ein Boot, welches einen zurück nach Dalaran bringt.
Quest bei
Marcia Balzer
abgeben und
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Es ist bemerkenswert, dass die Artefaktfähigkeiten
(150% erhöhtes Schwimmtempo) und
(Wasserwandeln) des
s auch auf Schlachtfeldern funktionieren. Nicht zu vergessen, dass Waffen seit jeher auch im Kampf gewechselt werden können...
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Man hat zwei Möglichkeiten die Angel zu kriegen.
#1 Gold/Geld: Man kauft entweder alle nötigen Köder aus dem AH für
Dicke Fische
!@#$e-fische bzw man stellt jemanden ein, der welche für einen farmt. Dann lässt sich das an einem Abend erledigen.
#2 Man übt sich in Geduld und farmt gleichzeitig
Angelfreund der Inseln
. Das hat gleich 2 Gründe, warum man das machen sollte. Zum einen gibt einem das Achievement weitere Skins für die Angel. Zum anderen erhält man durch das Angeln für den Ruf so gut wie alle Köder, die man für das 1. Achievement braucht. Wenn man Pech hat bzw sie dort nicht fischbar sind, kann man sich fehlende bei den jeweiligen Anglerfreunden kaufen. Die Freunde befinden sich aktuell mit 9.1.5 auf einem Daily Cycle. Man kann es also in einer Woche schaffen, wenn man jeden Tag einloggt. Wenn man die Anglerfreunde in einer Gruppe macht, gehen sie schneller. Bei jedem Ort kann man ein grünes Item angeln und bei Benutzung erhöht sich dann die Spawnrate für die Rufitems. Selbst in Shadowlands findet man teils noch Gruppen im Tool dafür.
Weiter gibt es bei jedem NPC Toys und ähnliches zum sammeln, zB die Möglichkeit das Aussehens des Köders zu ändern.
Man kann die für erste Achievement gebrauchten Köder auch so angeln, aber das kann teils dauern und man muß viel dafür reisen. Ich empfehle also definitiv #2 zu machen. Fehlende Köder kauft man dann am Ende wenn man Rank 6 hat.
Sobald man
Dicke Fische
$%^&e-fische erledigt hat, wird in den englischen Comments vorgeschlagen einen Relog zu machen. Ich bin hier nach Surumar und habe nach 4 Versuchen in der Nähe des Haupt - Flugpunkts
Glitzernde Perle
aus einem Fischschwarm geangelt. Diese gibt man bei Kadghar in Dalaran in der Violetten Zitadelle ab. Dann ab zu
Der Springbrunnen von Dalaran
. Nach Abgabe wieder einen Relog machen. Nat Pagle erscheint und gibt einem
. Bei ihm kann man ein Szenario starten, welches selbsterklärend und mit Shadowland Chars natürlich trivial ist. Am Ende kann man auf das Boot klicken und wird zurückgebracht.
Gz zur Angel!
So, nun habt ihr die Angel, aber ohne Aufwertung wäre sie den Aufwand natürlich nicht wert. Das geht aber selbst in Shadowlands noch. Und das geht sogar erstaunlich schnell. Mein Geheimtipp:
Uralter Vrykulring
. Diesen kann man gut in Sturmheim bei
/way 56, 41
nutzen. Am besten hat man noch
Glitschige Drachenschuppe
im Inventar. Ansonsten auf jeden Fall im Inventar lassen, wenn man sie angelt. Wenn das der Fall ist, KANN NUR noch der Vrykulring beim Angeln droppen.
Wenn man ihn nutzt erhält man einen 5 mins Buff um
Schwärme zu sehen. Aus diesen erhält man PRO CAST einen Fisch um die Macht der Angel um 50 zu pushen. Da ihr mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit in den 5 mins einen neuen Ring erhaltet, könnt ihr das quasi endlos machen. Ansonsten
Arkaner Köder
%C3%B6der kaufen. Bei mir wars noch nicht nötig und ich bin fast mit dem 2. Megatrait bei der Angel.
Gl allen und hf.
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Just got this on my druid... Been an avid wow fisher for a longtime and i'm pumped! Took me about 4 hours to grind out all of the Rare fish. Can't wait to show this off! I sumbitted a screenshot just a minute ago, Jael- Anvilmar
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Can u post a Screenshot of the talent tree for it please
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Here's a guide for anyone looking for how to obtain this artifact:
The Legion Fishing Artifact, Underlight Angler (Patch 7.3.5)
(Linking to it instead of blatantly copying the information in it to post here.)
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Best advice for how to get the under light angler:
Go to conjurer magoss and pick up the Arcane Lure item... Then fish out of pools for an increased chance at getting the special lures and items. You can get them in open water but pools are way faster.
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Just got this on my hunter, SS is pending), only one talent so far "undercurrent" i highly suggest you go to magoss and get around 30x Arcane lure's then getting this THEN farming the briny, as you'll have a few benefits along the way of farming briny mount.
Took around 4-10 hours of pure fishing and praying to rngjesus.
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Best looking fishing pole ever!
I praise the art team for making a fishing pole that combines the WarCraft III Mur'gul themed skeleton and at the same time being precise on being related to fishing. Really a 10/10. Great job! :)
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This is the quickest way I've found to level this artifact.
First, head to Dalaran and fish as many
Versunkenes Mana
s as you can tolerate and buy some
Arkaner Köder
s. If you look in the LFG finder under custom groups there is usually a drowned mana farming group. You can get a decent number (20+) within a few minutes.
Head to Azsuna, use the lure and start fishing the Cursed Queenfish pools. You're basically after
and the most important one,
Rostige Königinnenfischbrosche
The red area is where you'll be living while you grind this out.
With the rod equipped the duration of all baits are increased by 8%
per artifact trait learned
. The
Geisterhafter Königinnenfisch
pools never expire so you can camp the node until your bait runs out, combined with an Arcane Lure, you'll often catch another Brooch while you still have the buff, allowing you to chain them.
Even so, keep your other baits, you will need them.
The Grind:
Camp the
Geisterhafter Königinnenfisch
pools for as long as you can. At some point, even with the arcane lures, you'll have to go looking for another brooch elsewhere. Using one of the other two baits run a loop of the lake and the northern river fishing the Cursed Queenfish pools until you catch one then head back to the ghostly queenfish node. I was able to catch an average of ~60 per bait.
If you can't find any cursed queenfish nodes, it likely means they've spawned elsewhere, check the three ponds to the east and the rivers to the west circled in yellow in the above map. You shouldn't have to check these areas very often though.
Once your artifact is level 5, head to Dalaran and level the Cursed Queenfish Angling trait. This will allow you to catch entire pools in a single cast. The proc rate is quite high and you'll still get bait plus any rare fish in the pool (assuming you have the bait on). This makes fishing with the two other baits from the area also quite lucrative and far less of a time waste when brooch hunting.
Another thing to note, if the pool catches contain multiple baits and you get an instant catch proc, if you didn't already have the bait in your bags any duplicates will be sent to your mailbox once the container despawns. For the toenail, while it will be sent to your mail, it wont apply the buff to spawn the murloc until you relog with it in your bags while in Azsuna.
The next trait to go for is the Underlight Blessing. The movement speed works in combat and you'll be faster than anything that chases you making it easy to do quick loops on the raft and just diving underwater when you aggro.
There is another fish similar to the queenfish, that being the
in Stormheim. It's caught with the
Uralter Vrykulring
but this baits duration is less than the brooch
(the buff lasted 7 minutes compared to the brooch which lasted 10 minutes), though this discrepancy may be a bug and eventually fixed, even so the biggest problem is the Stormray nodes are spread through different cliff levels making them hard to efficiently farm when you inevitably have to go hunting for another ring, so I wouldn't recommend grinding these.
Resetting the artifacts traits isn't done at the pearl,
instead you'll need to talk to the one that resets your class artifacts in your class hall with the rod equipped.
In regards to bait:
Theres been some confusion regarding how bait drops work.
When a node spawns its loot (both the number of fish and baits) is already decided. If you land a catch that contains bait and you already have that particular bait in your inventory you simply will not see it,
it will not change
to whichever bait you do not have in your bags, it doesn't work like that.
If the bait is a secondary drop from the initial catch (like the toenail) you'll see it from the landing the catch, however you still wont see the bait. Kill the murloc from the toenail while you already have Aromatic Murloc Slime in your bags and you wont see it on the corpse.
To demotivate you on your quest, here is a breakdown of the number of fish required per artifact level.
To further demotivate you, the power gained per fish
is not
affected by Artifact Knowledge.
Artifact Level
Power Required
Fish Required
Happy grinding! It will eventually end :)
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Best way to get artifact power for this is to go get a few
Arkaner Köder
and head to Azsuna. The water around the Nar'thalas Academy is a great spot. Fish until you get a
Rostige Königinnenfischbrosche
and find the pool. As long as you have the arcane lure up you should be able to keep getting the brooch from the ghostly pool.
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Initially when I got my rod any fish I caught were still the "increase fishing by 5" fish. When I logged off and back on this was fixed, any fish caught then on were artifact power for my rod fish. Hope this helps anyone who might also be having that issue.
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The "
Chance to fish up an Entire School in one cast
" perk is
predetermined per school
, and as such cannot be forced.
What this means is that if it's meant to proc on the very first cast, it will.
However, repeatedly spamming your fishing button on a pool will never result in a proc.
Just fish like normal with it in mind that it may proc on the 2nd or 3rd etc cast instead, and rejoice when you do get a lucky first cast proc.
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I adore this item, however it does not seem to be like the other artifacts in the beginning.
The first perk
does not come for free you must spend the 100 Artifact Power to get it (two rare fish).
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Word of warning make sure you have
equipped when you toss any fish back into the water to give it artifact power. If its not equipped you will get no power.
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Is anyone else finding you keep getting the Pearl when you are fishing, which is now useless except for the 1c vendor price? Dropping a quest item for a quest you can't start every 2-3 minutes is really annoying.
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Sitting at the Death Knight artifact forge to buy the first item... and I keep getting this message "you must visit the artifact forge in your class hall to purchase traits"
Nothing in the guide about where to go... so I'll assume this is a bug?
EDIT: derp, it's the pearl at the dalaran fountain
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At the moment the Blood of Sargeras trait doesn't seem to work, however you are required to take it to get any of the other traits.
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One good way get Artifact Power fast, as mentioned above, fish
school in Stormheim is at
south-east of
Cullen's Post
, nearby the waterfall).
Of course you have to use
Uralter Vrykulring
first to see it.
I would also advise to use
Arkaner Köder
while fishing to get additional
Uralter Vrykulring
and other baits.
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Be me.
Stay up 12 hours fishing.
Get this thing.
Another 3 hours farming rare fish.
Get fish form treat.
Jump off a cliff into water hyped as hell.
Die due to surface tension buff.
I have finally found peace. Sleeping with the fishes.
Small edit: Farming "Fish poweh" now on a second character and I wanna use the high rating due to humor in a helpful way, a few insights:
1. Get the
Glitschige Drachenschuppe
Uralter Vrykulring
2. Keep
Arkaner Köder
3. Farm only using the ring - never use the other two baits , that should increase the rate of getting rings,
4. While farming if you get a ring - Either use
Katys Stanzpfeife
and mail it to an alt - since its unique you cant get another to drop before you get rid of the one you have
5. once the buff runs out - log the alt and mail all the rings back
Using this I was able to farm into the major abilities in about 30 minutes. the whole thing took 7 hours starting with 800 fishing and buying 3-4 lures from AH
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While the rare fish caught before you have the pole and after you have the pole have different IDs and therefore are not worth saving, the bait used to catch both is the same and you can save extras you get in pursuit of the pole for a good chunk of AP when you first get the pole. For example, I had a
Schlummernder Murloc
sitting around and gained 450 AP from it without having to do any additional fishing, which allowed me to immediately buy some traits.
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It seems the Black Barracuda Angling trait is a bit broken. I was getting instant pool barrels before i even spent points in Black Barracuda Angling. The barrels also barely contained any Black Barracuda's, mostly Silver Mackerel.
Now that i have spent points on Black Barracuda Angling I'm still getting mostly Silver Mackerel from the Black Barracuda pool instant procs, so I'm using my old fishing pole (or none) when fishing
Ein Schwarm schwarzer Barrakudas
When I got the pole initially I couldn't interact with the orb above the fountain in Dalaran, after a /reloadui it did become clickable. And to confirm; that is where you spend your artifact power on the Underlight Angler.
Also a tip when grinding out the AP to level the fishing pole with
Rostige Königinnenfischbrosche
, the following macro will save you a lot of bagspace/time on using the rare fish, and ensures you have the Underlight Angler equipped;
/equip Underlight Angler
/use Ghostly Queenfish
/use Fishing
Theres plenty of space to add the Undercurrent ability, Waterstrider and your artifact weapon ().
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I've found another fast way of getting artifact power.
If you go fish in suramar around Irongrove retreat (nothern flightpoint).
The place is swarming with pools and using the
Schlummernder Murloc
will grant you 10 fish pr. use
and you're gonna be fishing up other rare fish with
Verzauberter Köder
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By finding a world quest with a large fishing pool that never runs out you can keep fishing by never looting the quest item. Keep arcane/rare lure up and get a lot of rare fish and new rare lures without ever having to move.
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Anyone know how to get the other cosmetic options shown on the wowhead artifact calculator?
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it took 1 oddlefisk bait and 6 arcane lures to catch 141 rare fish
porting back to dal and spending points between bait use to get a higher duration and guild bank the other baits
takes 119 rare fish(5950ap) to get 12 points in and get all the special traits
13 point is 1000ap
14th is 6840ap
rare fish caught before/without the artifact equiped can't be used for AP. :(
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This has got to be the stupidest thing ive ever seen WoW implement. A @#$%ing artifact for FISHING of all things? Jesus christ...
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I made a couple of macros for tossing the fish back into the water. I had to divide them up into two macros because of how many fish there are. Using these macros will use one of each type of fish, one at a time. Super convenient if you've been farming all three fish in an area.
/use Leyshimmer Blenny
/use Graybelly Lobster
/use Ancient Highmountain Salmon
/use Coldriver Carp
/use Thorned Flounder
/use Tainted Runescale Koi
/use Ghostly Queenfish
/use Magic-Eater Frog
/use Oodelfjisk
/use Nar'thalas Hermit
/use Axefish
/use Terrorfin
/use Seersprine Puffer
/use Ancient Mossgill
/use Seabottom Squid
/use Ancient Black Barracuda
/use Mountain Puffer
/use Thundering Stormray
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As a lot of you will know by now, the "Chance to fish up an Entire School in one cast" perk applies to rare fish. For example, you have a rare fish bait up and this procs, your barrel will contain multiple rare fish.
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Couple of questions that I can't find any info about on any website. First I know there are hidden appearances for the rod but I don't know how/where to obtain them and was wondering if anyone knows how? Secondly is there or will there be a Legion Lure like Worm Supreme from WoD so the duration can last longer than 10mins?
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The Underlight Blesisng major trait transforms you to some kind of fish and swim as fast as swimming mounts without the cast time. Just equip the pole and bang, you are a fish in water.
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The artifact forge for this item is the pearl in the fountain, not the ones in the class halls as suggested by the error text if you try to add traits elsewhere.
Also it seems to sometimes take a relog or a bit of time before the pearl becomes interactive to use it.
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In a somewhat surprising and simultaneously unsurprising fashion, gaining Artifact Power for this pole adds to the 100,000 Artifact Power requirement to purchase your Order Hall Set Belt, which comes as an epic 840 right out the box.
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Underlight Angler
artifact rod can be enchanted with
Extremgetestete Eterniumangelschnur
for a further
+5 Fishing
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Is this character- or account-wide when you earn it?
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This is nowhere near as daunting as it first looks. I got all the fun traits this morning in the space of about two hours, plus about 15 minutes worth of arcane lure fishing in Dalaran.
I'm not a fan of fishing just for the sake of getting fish, so I took a slightly different route to level up my artifact. . My main stat is haste, so I went with fishing up Mossgill Perch for haste food in Val'Sharah. I took the 3/3 Mossgill Perch Angling trait ASAP. This is a huge buff to fishing artifact leveling, since the barrels drop from 1-5 rare fish if you have a rare fish buff when you loot them.
Here's the route I took as Alliance:
Starting at the green dot (Starsong Refuge), follow the blue line up and around the falls, then just keep following the river west and south. At the end of the river, use your whistle for a pick up, and you'll end up at Lorlathil. This usually has a pool or two nearby, so fish those up, then fly back to Starsong Refuge to repeat.
Side note: the "Undercurrent" ability is rather underwhelming due to its short range. I've only been able to use it once.
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Can fishing poles be transmogged to look like other fishing poles?
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If you have trouble getting the Fish/waterbreathing trait to activate after a combat, try not simply swapping the pole with your weapon by rightclicking but actually unequipping and reequipping it manually (unequip normal weapon, then drag the pole to your weaponslot). Quite the hassle, but it can bug out by just swapping and you WILL DROWN if you're not paying attention.
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I may have missed it but nowhere have I seen any info regarding from where this is obtained or how.
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If you have any of the angling passives, it gives a chance to instantly deplete the entire pool into a intractable barrel. Inside the barrel will contain a varied amount of fish, and anything else that could've been caught; boots, blood of sargaeras, and varying quantities of rare fish if applicable
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it seems the fish you turn into gives a slight higher swim speed than the sea turtle but can't be 100% about the speed sense it dose not tell you the exact amount only that you swim rapidly and swapping between the buff and the turtle seems to be the same swim speed so it dose not stack right now the swim swim is quicker than gondola's speed and the speed also works on your mount making it swim just as fast the fish form
*update* the fish form seems to be faster than the brinedeep bottom feeder mount this was tested in booty bay during pirates day
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I have found that by farming the farm fish aka
from Stormheim seems to be a pretty easy way to get your artifact power using the
Uralter Vrykulring
as the fishing pools don't go away and you can just farm a single pool for the duration of the lure. The best way to do this is to fish up all the lures from the zone (
Glitschige Drachenschuppe
) but don't use them just keep them in your bags as to increase your chance to attain the
Uralter Vrykulring
. Remember that schools of fish have a higher drop rate at lures than open water. Once you have this ring then you head over to 55.34, 47.99 in Stormheim and fish away! Don't forget to bring your
Arkaner Köder
and some empty bags! Valdisdall is the closest Flight Point to this area and you can easily reach the area where I tested this out by jumping off the north part of the cliff and using a
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Hello all,
after some time I've spent upgrading the rod I thought I could share with you what things you can catch within one hour of fishing, just so you know what you can expect from this thing and its awesome traits.
I chose
as my primary fishing location (
) because there is highest density of
Runescale Koi Pools
without too many aggresive mobs.
Note: I've been only fishing from pools and using the
The results of around 1 hour fishing:
(I have "
Runescale Koi Angling
" trait maxed out)
Blut von Sargeras
(thanks to the "
" trait)
Glitzernde Perle
(I kept 1 so I dont have to throw it out everytime)
You can also catch alot of rare baits however I had them all in my bag so I can't provide numbers on these.
Boots from the "
Better Luck Next Time
" trait:
Wettergegerbte Stiefel
Sonnengebleichte Sandalen
Rostbedeckte Sabatons
I still believe that you can actually fish up one of the
legendary boots
, however they are extremely rare.
To say something about the "Runescale Koi Angling" trait procs, I'd say I instantly fished up about 20% of the pools.
On average it procs on second cast.
That's it from me, I hope it was at least abit helpful to read, enjoy your fishing!
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Whats the cool down ?
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Is newly bugged so that when the pool catching proc triggers, the barrels contain almost entirely silver mackerel. Seeing as how this makes the rod worse than just fishing with your bare hands (since it destroys pools and gives you trash fish,) this is pretty bad.
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Are you finding yourself unable to spend Artifact Power on traits for your shiny new Underlight Angler?
Yes, other people will tell you "use the pearl noob" and yet you're right there, trying to right-click the damned thing, trying to jump up to it, and nothing's working? Just for laughs, you took it to your class hall and tried to power it there, without success?
I eventually figured out why: Dalaran was phased for me, because I was on
, which is of course another quest you're likely to pick up at 110 and won't be completing any time soon.
I abandoned the quest and was able to interact with the pearl immediately.
Hope this helps others who have run into the same brick wall!
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Adding some current information for those that have or plan to get Underlight Angler, since some of the artifact traits aren't very descriptive on what they really do and/or are bugged.
The "...Angling" traits IMO are currently the only ones worth spending any points on at all. With points in them, when fishing a pool of that type usually on the 2nd or 3rd cast the pool will vanish and be replaced with a lootable barrel of fish. I currently do not see any added gain from more than 1 point in one of these, other than to move up the tree, since the barrels have 3-5 fish of that type regardless of how many points you put in the trait. 1/3 is as good as 3/3 from what I've seen. Also, the Barracuda trait is currently bugged and does not work. Likewise, since the pool vanishes when the barrel procs, and you do not get any fish on the proc'd pull, essentially the net of the Angler traits is that you get ~1-3 extra fish of that type per pool if you have a point in that trait. Lastly, fishing open water almost never procs a barrel (worse than 1 in 100 casts) even with 3/3 points.
The Bloodfishing trait almost never spawns Blood of Sargeras, so I wouldn't recommend it as a way to get bloods reliably. You have to get the trait, just don't expect much return from it. Likewise, the Better Luck Next Time trait doesn't seem to do anything either (despite a Blizz hotfix note from 10 days ago that it's now fixed). I would occasionally get grey boots on pulls, and still do. No noticeable change with the trait whatsoever.
Despite patch notes claiming to have fixed some issues with this, as of 9/18/2016 still there are a few things to be aware of. The catching of the Luminous Pearl quest even after getting the pole still exists. Also, the Surface Tension trait to add water walking is incredibly buggy. Many times it doesn't enable even when in water, and when it does it works more poorly than the raft. I wouldn't recommend putting points into it until fixed.
All of these issues really detract from the value of getting the Underlight Angler. It's not *that* tough to get, and it looks cool. But it's easy to see that this item was way down the priority list for the Blizz devs, and it has many issues that need ironed out before it works as well as it should. Until they do the Underlight Angler could be called the Underwhelming Angler.
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Has anyone looked into seeing if there were any hidden artifact skins for this pole? Based on the amount of bugs this pole currently has, I have a feeling they aren't implemented yet.
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Based on your artifact level the time per rare lure you get increases. Currently at 14 points into the artifact I am receiving 11 minutes on
Rostige Königinnenfischbrosche
. Base was 5 minutes.
Also, The increased duration only occurs after a point has been set and not as it becomes available. In other words, a trip to the pearl is required to increase the duration.
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If you are interested in some
lore and background
as to how the artifact fishing pole
came about and a link right back to a shipwreck in
; I posted a
transcript and lots of detail in this post
on the little known
Heymans Tagebuch
found close by
Glooming Reef
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***UPDATE: As of the hotfixes from November 8, 2016, underwater mounts have been buffed from 108% speed to 135% speed***
An important and very handy passive effect of this Artifact is as follows - for each trait you unlock on this Artifact, the duration of Legion baits and lures increases by 8%.
This essentially makes it much easier to farm Rare fish for Artifact Power as you unlock traits, given that the baits last longer.
Below is a chart with the summary of this effect, based on the number of traits unlocked:
Bait/Lure Duration
Bait/Lure Duration
Standard Bait1
Extended Bait2
Standard Bait1
Extended Bait2
2 mins
5 mins
4 mins 5 secs
10 mins 12 secs
2 mins 10 secs
5 mins 24 secs
4 mins 14 secs
10 mins 36 secs
2 mins 19 secs
5 mins 48 secs
4 mins 24 secs
11 mins
2 mins 29 secs
6 mins 12 secs
4 mins 34 secs
11 mins 24 secs
2 mins 38 secs
6 mins 36 secs
4 mins 43 secs
11 mins 48 secs
2 mins 48 secs
7 mins
4 mins 53 secs
12 mins 12 secs
2 mins 58 secs
7 mins 24 secs
5 mins 2 secs
12 mins 36 secs
3 mins 7 secs
7 mins 48 secs
5 mins 12 secs
13 mins
3 mins 17 secs
8 mins 12 secs
5 mins 22 secs
13 mins 24 secs
3 mins 26 secs
8 mins 36 secs
5 mins 31 secs
13 mins 48 secs
3 mins 36 secs
9 mins
5 mins 41 secs
14 mins 12 secs
3 mins 46 secs
9 mins 24 secs
5 mins 50 secs
14 mins 36 secs
3 mins 55 secs
9 mins 48 secs
Standard baits
are most of the baits that provide 2-minute buffs (e.g.
Verzauberter Köder
, etc.)
Extended baits
are the select baits that provide a 5-minute buff, allowing you to see certain hidden schools and fish from them (
Rostige Königinnenfischbrosche
Uralter Vrykulring
Here are a few notes about some of the traits for this Artifact.
will teleport you to the nearest fishing node within 200 yards. It is an ability you can put on your action bars.
This may seem like a long distance, but in reality more often than not you will get an error stating there are no nearby nodes. It will usually only work if there is another nearby node you can actually see in the distance.
If used while you are moving, it will incur the 5-minute cooldown, but
teleport you to the other pool!
will grant the ability for you to rarely fish up
Blut von Sargeras
when fishing in the Broken Isles.
The catch rate of this is very low (<1%) and is a nice perk if you fish a lot but not a very efficient way to obtain
Blut von Sargeras
This ability will not work in the Dalaran Fountain or Margoss' Retreat.
allows you to walk on water.
work when mounted.
will work when shapeshifted (
, etc.)
This buff can be right-clicked to cancel it; the buff is reapplied roughly every 5 seconds if you have
This can be useful if you are falling towards water and may meet an untimely end - just right-click the buff to cancel it just before landing in the water.
The effect is cancelled when you
enter combat
(even if you are not damaged by any ability)
will sometimes fail to activate (bug). Unequipping and reequipping
fixes this.
has 3 effects when underwater - grants a fish form, increases movement speed in water, and allows water breathing.
This will work if you are swimming on the surface of the water.
The effect will grant bonus swimming speed even when mounted (although the visual transformation will not occur on a mount).
Entering combat will break the visual effect (fish form) but will not cancel the swimming speed or water breathing effects.
The swim speed of this effect is not affected by any items with the "Speed" tertiary stat.
Below is a comparison of some movement speeds with the effect of this fishing pole. As can be seen, it is one of the fastest ways to move in water.
Change in Speed1
Total Speed
Standard Swim Speed
Running Speed (Land)
Running Speed with
Zügel von Poseidus
Gründling der salzigen Tiefen
Speed (Water)
Unerfahrenes Reiten
Ground Mount Speed (Land)
Unerfahrenes Reiten
Ground Mount Speed +
Geübtes Reiten
Ground Mount Speed (Land)
Geübtes Reiten
Ground Mount Speed +
This pertains to change from standard running speed on land.
Guild Perk
Any of the fish-specific traits -
Angeln von Sturmrochen
Angeln von Hochberglachsen
Angeln von verfluchten Königinnenfischen
Angeln von Mooskiemenbarschen
Angeln von Runenschuppenkois
Angeln von schwarzen Barrakudas
will grant a chance for you to fish up the entire school in one cast.
This has a chance to occur
when you cast
, and spawns a barrel in the water where the fish pool previously was.
Running over to the barrel and clicking it will loot a number of fish (corresponding to the fish pool you were fishing) and can contain any other item that may have been in the pool (rare bait, numerous rare fish if you had a bait active, grey boots, etc.)
Adding the 2nd and 3rd ranks of these traits appears to increase the chance that you proc the ability.
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I've found quite a good place to farm up the artifact level to the fishing rod.
If you fly to irongrove retreat in suramar there's a lake quite close to it. In this lake
schools spawn. Fish these. they spawn all the way from:
/way suramar 21.19 35.17
/way suramar 25.30 24.63
I recommend picking up
Arkaner Köder
in order to maximize the chance of getting the lures.
I also recommend you to max out the Runescale Koi angling trait. It allows you to get an entire pool of runescale koi on each of your throws, and also the rare fishes with it (a barrel appears, right click it and obtain your fishes).
I managed to get about 40 of these rare fishes in under 10 minutes thanks to this.
Good luck!
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Ok i just got a few beefs with how this artifact was designed and i feel because of them, this was more of an afterthought...like..."oh lets make something cool for fishers" but then not really consider how the buffs work.
1. the fish pool buffs are broken. If i put 3 ranks into it, it gives me a better chance to get the fish barrel, but this is why it is broken. Right now i have 3/3 in Highmountian Salmon (did this first because they sell for a ton). Many times i have gotten the barrel on my first cast and it has about 4-5 fish. On another talent, i have 1/3, now, i have less of a chance of getting the barrel sure, but i find i usually get the barrel when im 4-5 casts into the pool. so i have gotten 4-5 casts worth of fish, PLUS the barrel, which still contains 4-5 fish. So im getting, on average, 9-10 fish with a 1/3 talent, and only 4-5 with a 3/3 talent.
In my opinion these should be changed to be the same chance to get the barrel, but more ranks yield you more fish from the barrel.
2. Undercurrent only works up to 200 yds. this isnt much at all. basically if you can see it on your minimap with it zoomed in, thats all you're getting. On top of that its a 5 min CD when it only takes about a minute to clear a pool, less if you get lucky and fish the whole pool up. Just makes it pointless to even bother using.
3. Better Luck Next Time...why? really couldnt think of anything better? why not just let you jump right to Way of the Flounder? This is nothing more than wasted AP just to hop to a mediocre-at-best gold talent which i will get to next.
4. Way of the Flounder...this may not be intended so ill give the designers a break, but currently this only works while casting. once the cast is done the aggro radius goes back to normal.
5. This one is minor, but the Surface Tension buff takes a few seconds after mounting. so say youre running over water on your strider, then dismount, you will fall in (and turn into a shark) then wait for the buff to show up then jump out on top of the water...but again, not a big deal. what would really make this talent pro, is if it extended to your mount...but im just a crusty warlock that misses having my dreadsteed run across the water lol.
6. Bloodfishing is only a 1% drop rate. Just to test. i did a group of 100 casts into pools in each zone and just because, i did another 100 in the barracuda pools. Out of every group of 100 i got 1 blood (one zone i got nothing and another i got 2 so it still works out to 1%). This is abysmally low for the time put into actually fishing nothing but pools. Id be happy even with 5%
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What i'm doing to farm AP for the Underlight Angler.
Get Arcane Lures of course.
Go to the aforementioned location in Suramar. There are a ton of pools here between the upper falls and the lower falls with only a few mobs near the upper section. Even if there are others fishing, there is usually a new pool up relatively close to you. This is why I chose here versus the other sections when I looked at how much travel time between pools there seemed to be for both the brooch and the ring.
Fish up all 3 of the rare baits here: Enchanted Lure, Demonic Detritus & Sleeping Murloc.
Us the Sleeping Murloc immediately so you can possibly get another before you get both the Enchanted Lure and the Demonic Detritus.
It took me about 45 minutes total this morning to get both the Enchanted Lure and the Demonic Detritus. Between getting the Enchanted Lure and the Demonic Detritus, I got 2 Sleeping Murloc which I used immediately.
Don't use the Enchanted Lure or Demonic Detritus. Now, every time a lure spawns, it will be the Sleeping Murloc.
In that first 45 minutes I got a little over 2800 AP. With the little I had gained prior to this (i don't know how much) I went back and was able to get straight to Surface Tension and Underlight Blessing as well as two points on Runescale Koi.
I went back for another go at it and spent 36 minutes and 3 Arcane Lures. Got a total of 6 Sleeping Murloc, 2 from 1st lure, 1 from 2nd and 3 from 3rd.
The lures will proc inside the barrels of fish. I got two of the murlocs that way. With all of the pools so close together, the barrels allow you to fish faster, imo.
Looking forward to going back now with 3 points on the fish school attribute...pop...pop...pop.
I didn't get any Blood of Sargeras at all in either short session.
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As a rogue with this equipped and when in fish form underwater, if you are stealthed the buff remains even in fish form. You can swim right by and not aggro fish.
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Also important, make sure you do NOT have any rare fish that grant skill points in your bags while fishing with the artifact for artifact power fish. I had some Magic-eater frogs with skill up in my backpack still, and went fishing for more once I had the underlight angler. Saw one pop up after a cast, but it didn't auto-loot into my bag. 50 artifact power wasted!
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I'm fishing Lures to fish rare fishes in the Broken Isles without Arcane Lure, if i have equipped this fishing pole. Can someone tell me if this is correct? That works like an "Arcane lure"?
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If you are a gatherer, fish only in Suramar to level this artifact. You miss out on all the ore and plants as you hop between pools, as well as all the Runescale Koi. If you do only Ghostly Queensfish or Oodelfjisk, you only will get those fish, and miss out. Also, the Sleeping Murlocs are great for really fast skillups once you find one.
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Was trying to use the calculator to figure out how many more fish would need to finish this, and noticed that after the 13th point (may be wrong earlier, but in-game artifact is at 13 already) the calculator says next point is 1,000 when in-game it is 6,800.
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I just fished up
Seadog Boots
. I have purchased 17 Underlight Angler ranks so far. Has anyone else fished up similar boots / shoes yet?
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I thought it made the water mount speed inccrease by 100%
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I can verify FOR SURE that they hot fixed the black barracuda angling trait.
Now when fishing from barracuda pool with 3/3 put into barracuda angling you actually receive barrels AND instead of being filled with Silver Mackerel they have Black Barracuda like they should!
From the 20 or so barracuda pools I fished from each one had a barrel and each barrel had 3-6 barracuda, as well as lures and rare fish.
I will continue to update this post with whatever info I feel is relevant but as of now it seems like the bugs are finally fixed!
So thanks blizzard! We fishers are very appreciative for the fix to the rod!
It feels like the barrel traits are designed to make the fisher able to fish up the pool quickly (instead of getting more fish with more traits) but it may take more testing to see if having 1/3 in an angling trait is more beneficial than having 3/3
Also posted this on the Underlight Angler guide to help spread this info around quickly!
Let me know if anyone finds any other hotfixes!
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After a bit of testing i find it easier, faster and more convenient to grind the artifact level up in Stormheim (Dreadwake Landing) vs. Aszuna. RNG might have messed me up but in Aszuna i caught 0 lures in 30 mins even though i obviously was using Arcane Lure, and also the waters of Aszuna has more mobs swimming around to potentially ruin your fishing.
Stormheim on the other hand has very few mobs in the water and during another 30 minute testing on that map i caught 4 Ancient Vrykul Ring and more of the lesser lures of the area than i could use or be bothered with, so i dropped those in portable guild bank and i also used Moll-e to mail them to alts for selling on AH later.
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Protip: If your dalaran fountain pearl forge is not interact-able when you have the fishing pole equipt, port to any other world than Legion (Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Northrend, Panderia, Draenor, Outlands) and then hearth back to Legion Dalaran. This SHOULD refresh the legion world / dalaran for your character and fixed whatever botched code is keeping the pearl from being used.
Note: Logging out in legion world, going to the class hall, going back to azsuna to fish for artifact power fish, waiting a day did NOT fix the pearl. Refresh the world to fix the forge.
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As of the
September 30 2016 Hotfix
Angeln von schwarzen Barrakudas
bugs have now been fixed;
Black Barracuda Angling (Rank 3) should now correctly grant a chance to provide an instant pool catch.
Fish that are instantly caught from the Black Barracuda Angling trait are now selected from fishing pools, rather than open water fishing.
Confirmed working as intended in-game.
currently from PTR 7.1 testing:
For whatever reason, they have nerfed the range further of
, at least on the tooltip, to
100 yd range
on the
current PTR build spell
. Checked this and it states so via the artifact window on the PTR. Also on the
tooltip too.
The bug where Fishing XP
version only was dropping on killing a
Betäubter wütender Hai
, unless the
is used for the killing blow, has been semi-fixed.
Killing the shark with either the
equipped or normal artifact weapon results in the artifact version of the
dropping. However, at least from testing, it only dropped
x squid both times, so they still need to implement the random multiple drop rate. Bottomline, in 7.1 at least (unless they hotfix it before which is likely) you wont have to equip the artifact pole to get the artifact fish to drop, even though you only get one currently.
is now
carried over the back and not on the hip
as in Live, when sheathed.
Underlight Angler - Sheathed - Live
Underlight Angler - Sheathed - PTR 7.1
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The rare fish (from the achievement: Bigger Fish to Fry) all give 50 artifact power once you throw them back in the water. You must have your fishing pole equipped and click on the pearl at the Dalaran fountain in order to view your artifact power as well as spend your artifact power. Only the rare fish you catch AFTER obtaining the fishing rod will give you artifact power. The tooltip should update to reflect that you'll get artifact gains AND fishing skill level vs just fishing skill level.
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Anyone come up with a Macro for throwing the rare fish back?
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Here is the macro I use to both toss a rare fish into the water, and simultaneously cast my fishing pole. If you hit it too fast after looting, it might not toss the fish though.
#showtooltip Fishing
/use Ghostly Queenfish
/cast Fishing
I like using this as it prevents me wasting bag space and it doesn't interrupt my fishing. You can modify this to use the rare fish of your choice by replacing "Ghostly Queenfish" with the name of the fish you want to use.
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Anyone has any idea why at this moment I have 14980 AP if all the fishes give you 50?
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Not sure what is going on - but, I have 100 Artifact Power - the tooltip says, "you have enough Artifact Power to learn 1 trait, return to the forge in your Class Hall to unlock them" - I went to the Forge, with the fishing pole equipped and it will not open and let me spend the 100 Artifact Power for the first trait of Undercurrent.
edited 11/15
I had to leave the Dalaran Pool area and then come back to see the Pearl spawn
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If you have the lightweight fishing pole on your main fisher and want to get it for your alts, and you have a mount with a vendor (Grand Expedition Yak), then while you are fishing on your main, and you get a lure, vendor it. Since they are unique, you won't get more lures when you have 1. Then mail to your alt. Have you alt vendor each one as you take it out of the mailbox. Presto! You have a multiple supply of unique lures to catch your rares!
Your alt can then vendor the multiple lures, and buy them back when needed from the GEY mount. Tanks, switch to a dps spec as you don't want to waste lure time giving mobs a slow death (that you aggro while fishing)
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Most posts I've seen about levelling the Underlight Angler seem to focus primarily at
Geisterhafter Königinnenfisch
. However, I'll be honest that even for a grind that this is, that way seems to be extremely boring.
The other way is to abuse the instant pool catch traits. The best I think is
. I've seen it mentioned but not explained in detail. How it works is relatively simple: you keep circling the Irongrove Retreat lakes with lures active instantly catching
pools. If you get a
Schlummernder Murloc
use it somewhere on land and pick up the rare fish.
You need:
(perhaps an easily forgotten detail).
Quite some
Arkaner Köder
Angeln von Runenschuppenkois
at rank 3, but at least 1.
Preferably start with one
Verzauberter Köder
If you do this with rank 3 Runescale Koi Angling the pools will often (about 40-50% of the time) instantly deplete, and the barrels can contain up to six rare fish. Combine this with the Sleeping Murloc and this is pretty sufficient. I would say it's even quicker than the contant fishing of the
Geisterhafter Königinnenfisch
To describe this in detail, the pros of Runescale fishing:
The throughput of rare fish seems to be higher.
You get a lot of Runescale Koi that can be used or sold.
Excess lures can be sold.
No true consistency. The fixed rare fish are guaranteed single casts each.
Give or take but I prefer non-fixed fishing if it was just for the additional rewards, but I'm pretty sure it's faster also.
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Sheathes on the back instead of the waist as of 7.1.
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If you're just starting out, use your first points to get "Better Luck Next Time" (Chance to catch boots). It's completely worthless, but necessary if you want the aggro reduction trait. Buy it while it's cheap, instead of wasting thousands on it later.
After having to pause and kill something with your normal weapon, you accidentally spend the next 5 minutes without the UA equipped. (I did that often).
A macro solves it:
/equip Underlight Angler
/cast Fishing
Use the macro in place of the fishing profession, If you don't have the UA equipped, it will equip it before casting.
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after 20 mins trying, i find you that for ; " Grants the Undercurrent ability, allowing you to instantly teleport to the nearest fishing node within 100 yards. " you need the trait one, so you have so fish up 2 fishes. ( the ones i got gave me 50 fishing AP ). Tried on a 9k AP from my weapon but doesnt work on fishing rods. Hope it helps someone. Thank you for the usefull help here to get my rod.
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Leveling this via the Oodelfjisk is all fine and dandy if that's all you care about.
However, I fish to get crafting materials, namely Black Barracuda.
As soon as I was given multiple options to upgrade the pole, I put 3 into the Black Barracuda Angling. (Mainly because I need mastery, but this could be done with any of the fish types.)
I kept a consistent stream of rare lures coming in at the same time I was catching Black Barracuda(which I actually want).
The Black Barracuda Angling procs >40% from what I can tell. I will get 3 or 4 back-to-back at times.
This ends up giving the rare fish at the same time. I ended up filling up my bag with Ancient Black Barracuda before the lure expired.
On top of that, it's more fun that standing at a single pool doing nothing but catching worthless 50 AP fish.
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Does anyone know if you go through all this on your main, if it's easier (Due to having already completed the achievement required) to get on an alt?
I'll be testing this unless someone has the answer. (When I get my next 110.... lol)
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If you already have means to travel fast over water, for example with The Angler's exalted Waterstrider, but you can't stand on water like Dk's Shamans and Priests, I highly recommend getting the trait
Surface Tension
first. It allows you to fish while standing on water.
By taking this trait, the trait
Way of the Flounder
isn't needed much anymore because you can avoid most mobs really easily by standing far from them on the water.
I also skipped
Underlight Blessing
because the aforemented Waterstrider takes care of movement already. So I just went into the talents that makes me fish up entire schools.
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How obtain this:
after completing
Dicke Fische
do a relog and a new fish can be fished from any pool
Glitzernde Perle
, which will start the quest chain for the artifact
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Anybody wondering about the time commitment I recently got this in about three hours from start to finish with about 10K being spent on baits at the AH. You can buy all the baits you need except one (the shark) in the AH and the prices seem to have gone down quite a bit. Of course you can fish the baits yourself for free but I would estimate it would take double the time at least. Good luck.
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I've found the most efficient way to farm AP is through Black Barracuda schools around Suramar City. I have my angler upgraded with
and 3x
Angeln von schwarzen Barrakudas
. There are plenty of schools and they drop 3 different types of bait;
Verwester Walspeck
Betäubter wütender Hai
That last one drops 5-8
and it's not uncommon to get two sharks in the same pool.
Today, during an hour's worth of fishing I got 35
Uralter schwarzer Barrakuda
and 48
. Not to mention about 400 Black Barracudas.
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Some one might have covered it, but does anyone know if you can reset the AP like you can with your weapon artifacts?
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So far, the best way I've found to leveling this is by farming
Black Barracuda Schools
. Make sure and take plenty of
Arcane Lures
and lots of time. You'll want to go to your favorite
Black Barracuda
farming spot, use your
Arcane Lure
, and
fish from pools
. From this, you can fish up 3 other lures:
Decayed Whale Blubber
Message in a Beer Bottle
, and
Stunned, Angry Shark
. The thing that makes farming these pools better is the Stunned, Angry Shark. Each time you pick one of those up, take it to land, use the 'lure' and it will spawn a
Landlocked Shark
. Each one of these sharks will drop 7-9
Seabottom Squid
, of which each one is another 50 AP towards your artifact.
I don't have any fancy tables to show drop rates, however in 30mins of using the Arcane Lure, I did catch 12
Stunned, Angry Shark
(4 with 7 squid, 2 with 8 squid, and 6 with 9 squid), giving me a total of 98
Seabottom Squid
, on top of the other rare fish caught (either the
Ancient Black Barracuda
or the
Another added bonus with going this route is that both the
Decayed Whale Blubber
Message in a Beer Bottle
lures are 2-step lures, meaning you catch the item, use it, then grab the lure. With this you can effectively keep 2 of each lure type in your bag, as both the item and the 2nd step lure itself are unique. Just a little added help in case RNG takes a bite out of you while farming.
Some key points:
Grab 15-20
Arcane Lure
Conjurer Margoss
(comments on his page show how to get to him).
If you don't have
Surface Tension
unlocked yet, be sure and unlock this first. The ability to walk on water will help in certain areas to get to pools that other fishers won't be able to reach, especially in quest areas with mobs all around.
Next, aim to unlock all three steps of
Black Barracuda Angling
on your artifact pole before unlocking the others. This will increase your chance to instantly catch the entire fishing pool (including rares and lures), allowing you to move on faster.
Find a good
Black Barracuda School
spot. I tend to stick with Azuregale Bay (east of Suramar City, near/surrounding Jandvik), though if this spot is busy, there are plenty of other zones with a lot of pools to choose from.
Even if you have the four lures (
Decayed Whale Blubber
(turns into
Ravenous Fly
Message in a Beer Bottle
(turns into
Axefish Lure
)) in your bags, make sure that you keep the
Arcane Lure
buff up, so you can keep catching the
Stunned, Angry Shark
When you catch the
Stunned, Angry Shark
, you have 60secs to use the item before it disappears.
Make sure you go to dry land before using it!
On dry land the shark just flops around like a fish out of water (casts a conal damage spell from its mouth, but easy to side-step), but in the water, it'll hit you like a freight train.
Hope this guide helps, g'luck and happy fishing!
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While you are fishing, vendor any excess lures you fish up (if you have a vendor mount). Since they are unique, you can't pick up another one. Unvendor them later for alts, AH, or if you run out of bait.
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Best way to fram artifact power for your
Underlight Angler
fishing pole is by using
Ancient Vrykul Ring
Bait... The bait gives you a 10 min buff to fish in the pool that doesnt expires and until the buff expires I usually get around 40
fish, that means 2k Artifact Power... so its pretty nice...
In my opinion forget about the other baits... go for this one!
One more tip when farming for this, probably you will get the other 2 baits for Stormheim,
Soggy Drakescale
Moosehorn Hook
, so dont throw them away, keep them, so you wont get them again, this way you will force to get the ring bait.
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Here is an improved macro to use when fishing in Stormheim to level your Underlight Angler fishing pole.
#showtooltip fishing
/cast Oodelfjisk
/cast Graybelly Lobster
/cast Thundering Stormray
/cast fishing
This will give you one button that will work with any of the rare fish in inland Stormheim. If you have more then one kind of rare fish (that are listed in the macro) in your in your inventory, one of each will be thrown back each time you hit the macro button. This macro uses only 103/255 characters so it can be expanded to include many other rare fish.
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Okay, I've looked all over and can't find my answer so I'm going to ask it here:
Can the buffs from this work in all zones or just this one? Now I am guessing its just the Broken Isles but considering the ocean which you can find rares in is not considered the Broken Isles I began to wonder this since I imagine this buff works there.
Thanks anyone for answering.
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No one says that this
is "beautiful and nice-looking" fishing pole yet the urge to get one is irresistible. So go and get one to keep up with the Joneses - err, Taurens.
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I just maxed out my pole last night and noticed that you can continue to feed the 50 AP rare fish into the pole even after reaching 24/24.
Has anyone tried continuing on to see if reaching a possible 25 triggers anything to happen?
Reaching 24/24 did not activate an achievement, no alternate tints or skins, nor did anything else trigger like a quest or NPC conversation, so I'm wondering what would happen if you continued on with putting AP toward the pole.
I'm honestly a bit afraid of bugging out the pole by doing so without any sort of previous data or indication that this is intended.
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Just in case anyone was wondering.
If you save up all the rare fish you collected while trying to get your
, like me, don't it won't work. The text is not changed once you get the
It still says:
Use: Toss the fish back into the water, increasing Fishing skill by 5, up to a max of 800.
Only new rare fish will say:
Use: Toss the fish back into the water, granting 50 Artifact Power to your fishing artifact.
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Having 3/3
Angeln von schwarzen Barrakudas
, 2/2
Fishing in
Schwarzer Barrakuda
after a 1 hour session i got :
5 x
Blut von Sargeras
- 2 from 1single barrel
522 x
Schwarzer Barrakuda
4 x
3 x
Sonnengebleichte Sandalen
8 x
Wettergegerbte Stiefel
3 x
Rostbedeckte Sabatons
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Hey! I did (very, very limited) research on the
difference between upgrade 1/3 and 3/3 for the chance on cast to get a barrel
, using 10 pools of Stormray and 10 pools of Highmountain Salmon, and this is my result:
Stormray 3/3:
1: 3rd cast
2: 1st cast
3: 2nd cast
4: 1st cast
5: 4th cast
6: -
7: 2nd cast
8: 2nd cast
9: 1st cast
10: 5th cast
Total catched: 60
Highmountain Salmon 1/3:
1: 5th cast
2: 1st cast
3: 2nd cast
4: -
5: 2nd cast
6: 4th cast
7: 3rd cast
8: 4th cast
9: 3rd cast
10: -
Total catched: 57
3rd cast indicates that I got a barrel on my 3rd cast.
- indicates that I did not get a barrel.
As you can see, while there seem to be a difference, it would appear (in my mind, based off this small sample size) as though it would be preferential to put 1/3 in every pool before maxing out individual pools, as the difference between 0/3 and 1/3 is a lot bigger than 1/3 and 3/3.
Due to the extremely small sample size these numbers could be way off
, but as I found no testing like this myself I figured a small sample size is better than nothing, and I'm still working on my artifact power so I'm not too too interested in running around making money yet haha.
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I created a macro that will automatically throw back any rare fish you have when you next time cast fishing. Now you will save time and bag space. This macro works both for leveling up your fishing skill and leveling up your artifact. You need the addon
"Long Macros"
: I did not include
Betäubter wütender Hai
in the macro, so remember to use it before the end of the duration.
/equip item:133755
/use item:133725
/use item:133726
/use item:133727
/use item:133728
/use item:133729
/use item:133730
/use item:133731
/use item:133732
/use item:133733
/use item:133734
/use item:133735
/use item:133736
/use item:133737
/use item:133738
/use item:133739
/use item:133740
/use item:133741
/use item:133742
/use item:139652
/use item:139653
/use item:139654
/use item:139655
/use item:139656
/use item:139657
/use item:139658
/use item:139659
/use item:139660
/use item:139661
/use item:139662
/use item:139663
/use item:139664
/use item:139665
/use item:139666
/use item:139667
/use item:139668
/use item:139669
/cast fishing
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Between the Cursed Queenfish camp and Suramar camp for Koi, I personally find Suramar rivers to be better. Murlocs give me roughly 15-22 rare fish per, and I am also getting rare fish as I go from the regular bait. I'm usually throwing fish for AP more than trying to fish them up.
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Can this be transmogrified to other fishing poles? I could see my DH using it, but it would clash horribly with my pally's mog. Gotta look fabulous while fishing. :D
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I haven't seen it mentioned yet so here's my tip for farming AP:
Regardless of the type of fish(es) you choose to farm, there comes a time to throw them back... When it comes to this I find it easiest to put the 2 to 3 different fish types on different buttons and then alternate between them. This increases the number of fish per second you can throw (by nearly double for me) because their individual CD is longer than the GCD.
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I tried fishing
Geisterhafter Königinnenfisch
in Azsuna and I got around 40 of them per 1 lure. But I didnt get the
Rostige Königinnenfischbrosche
everytime it wore off. It was a bit frustrating. Tried another method and it worked pretty great.
Some stats of my
Ranks Purchased = 16
Black Barracuda Angling = 3/3
And all of the other major traits 1/1
You need
Unersättliche Fliege
and unlocked Surface Tension on your
so you can avoid some mobs and optional
Arkaner Köder
, Azure Water Strider, Anglers Fishing Raft.
I tried two runs with and without
Arkaner Köder
. I start in Suramar at around /way Suramar 84.7 55.2 and move towards Jandvik and fish out of all Black Barracuda Schools that are along the way. Just run along the coast until the
Unersättliche Fliege
wores out.
Stats with
Unersättliche Fliege
( last for around 11 minutes) without
Arkaner Köder
Uralter schwarzer Barrakuda
-> x33
-> x32 ( comes out of
Betäubter wütender Hai
which you have to use immediately after you fish it out!)
-> x1 ( use it immediately and you'll get
, so you can fish another
Betäubter wütender Hai
-> x4 ( after you kill it you get x8
Verwester Walspeck
-> x2 ( use it immediately and fish further until the
Unersättliche Fliege
flies down so you can loot it. Then you can fish another
Verwester Walspeck
Schwarzer Barrakuda
-> x85
And some gray boots worth around 3 gold.
Stats with
Unersättliche Fliege
( last for around 11 minutes) with
Arkaner Köder
Uralter schwarzer Barrakuda
-> x45
-> x32 ( comes out of
Betäubter wütender Hai
which you have to use immediately after you fish it out!)
-> x1 ( use it immediately and you'll get
, so you can fish another
Betäubter wütender Hai
-> x4 ( after you kill it you get x8
Verwester Walspeck
-> x2 ( use it immediately and fish further until the
Unersättliche Fliege
flies down so you can loot it. Then you can fish another
Verwester Walspeck
Schwarzer Barrakuda
-> x117
Blut von Sargeras
-> x1
And some gray boots worth around 3 gold.
Good thing about barrels is that if you get x2
Betäubter wütender Hai
you can loot one of them and the barrel will stay there. So you can kill the first shark and loot the other one from the barrel.
I know you have to run around a bit more than with
Geisterhafter Königinnenfisch
. But you get 20-30 more rare fishes in the same time and all the other stuff which is worth more than 2k gold.
I didnt try all the zones and all the fishes so I cant say that this AP building is the best. But I can say it's better than
Geisterhafter Königinnenfisch
Have fun. Feel free to reply if you have anything else, that is not fishing with
Geisterhafter Königinnenfisch
Uralter Vrykulring
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Just like every artifact, you get an additional boost for spending trait points on it.
For this one: Every trait point you spent on the artifact increases the duration of baits and lures by 8%.
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This thing has saved my bacon in Suramar City countless times. Nothing beats jumping into the canal to escape and equipping this baby for a speedy getaway.
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I had my Underlight angler capped at 24 traits before 7.2 and my artifact power bar was then hidden. Now the bar is back again with 7.2, with a 105k ap bar.
Anyone know if there is a 25th trait coming? 10 gold per fish is nice to vendor if there is no benefit from putting it into the rod.
Hope someone can help.
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I didn't see this information here (sorry if I overlooked it), but something I learned today was extremely helpful for me.
You can vendor the
Rusty Queenfish Brooch
and the
Ancient Vrykul Ring
to your mount and buy them back as you need them. If you don't end up needing them, you can mail them to your bank toon (or wherever) one at a time and sell them on the AH or use them later. For farming purposes, this is super helpful because if you don't happen to get one, you can buy it back from the vendor mount, essentially allowing you to keep going.
I highly recommend the
Arcane Lure
, though I think that anyone doing this already knows that.
The only other comment I want to make is to make sure you have the
Underlight Angler
equipped BEFORE using the lure because of the talent
Way of the Flounder
(this allows the duration of the lure to last longer per 8% per talent purchased on the pole).
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I'm currently rank 24 and just spent the day farming 105,280 AP for rank 25. I got the on-screen message that says new trait available. I went to Dalaran and checked, and there is no new trait. I guess they haven't put them in the game yet. But looks like they are going to add more because I can still gain more AP. For rank 26, it's going to be 138,650 AP just a heads up.
Here's to keep casting that line! lol
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Fun little thing, if you get the turn into fish perk, it works in bgs and rbgs.
Also works if ur carrying the flag, nothing big but worth noting.
Not sure if the waterwalk works.
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If you're like me, you have an itemset button on your actionbars that equips your primary gearset, or your fishing pole when you hold shift.
If you swap to the fishing pole while mounted, you can turn into a fish while ON your mount and still gain the speed. It's a great way to be able to travel quickly underwater without needing to dismount to do so.
The macro doesn't matter, you can do this manually (obviously), I don't know why I shared that part. >.<
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7.2 has come. Where is the hidden appearance for
Underlight Angler
There seems to be some clues, like
The Broken Hook
object, the
Something's Fishy
buff, and the
Something's Fishy (HIDDEN)
buff, but nothing conclusive yet.
Also, would it have anything to do with
A Thoroughly Read Copy of "Nat Pagle's Guide to Extreme Anglin'."
, since the Use text of
The Broken Hook
mentioned it is the Extreme Angler's appearance?
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Use the Sleeping Murloc on an elevated platform in Suramar. Murloc scared of heights, even if it's only 2 feet off the ground. Game over murloc.
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A great way to level this artifact is when the world quest for Huge Mossgill is active in Val'sharah as long as you don't loot the 10 Huge Mossgil for the world quest then the pool never despawns make sure to bring with you a large number of Arcane Lures in order to fish up the rare fish bait but its really an endless supply of rare fish and you're not having to move around as often. Hope this helps
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I really really really hope they dont take away this arty/perks. They make me want to grind the arty on all 12 alts. :D
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The world of Warcraft has changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it.
It began with the coding of the artifact weapons: four were given to the druids, immortal tanks, wisest casters and fairest of all healers; two to the Demon Hunters, great sacrificers and double-jumpers since the Legion expansion; and three, three artifact weapons were gifted to every other class, who above all else desire power; for within these weapons was bound the strength and will to govern each spec...
But they were all of them deceived, for another artifact weapon was made. In the land of California, in the computers of Blizzard Entertainment, the Game Lord Hazzikostas coded in secret a master artifact to control all anglers, and into this fishing pole he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all players.
One artifact weapon to lure them all.
Edit: added
Astranea's feedback
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There may be a new bug that I encountered today while getting AP for the
Underlight Angler
. I acquired my artifact on my second character about 24 hours before finding this bug (just FYI). In Val'sharah for some reason the lures do not allow you to catch the correct fish. After using my
Nightmare Nightcrawler
I started to catch a lot of
Thorned Flounder
; after used the
Drowned Thistleleaf
I started catching
Ancient Mossgill
; and after using the
Rotten Fishbone
I started to catching
. Since I got the rod the day before I know that I was catching the correct fish per lure the day before so as far as I know its only a bug for the AP versions of the fish. I'll post an edit if any of the other zones are having the same issues.
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So does anyone know if we will be losing this next expansion since we won't be keep our legendary weapons? I can not find any answers to my question.
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The fastest way to level up your
Underlight Angler
is to head to Suramar when
is active and join the fishing raid. You can check
Today in the Broken Isles
on the main page to see which fisherfriend is active.
While fishing up
Golden Minnow
you will have a chance to fish up a
Glowing Fish Scale
, which when thrown back in while stood next to Sha'leth, will summon
! He drops 20 to 70 Golden Minnow per kill. Turn in or spend all of your Golden Minnow before looting him in case you get a high proc drop. Any extras that you can't pick up when you loot him are lost.
Once you reach "Good Friend" level with Sha'leth you can buy the
Sleeping Murloc
from him for 25 Golden Minnow.
Every Sleeping Murloc will grant you approximately 15 to 25
Seerspine Puffer
provided you pick up all of the fish. The best way to do that is to stand on top of a small object that you cannot walk back on to after walking off of it. For example, a floating orb, a large plant box, a beam that has a high step off of it, or the top of a broken pillar. There are several positions around the fishing pond where Sha'leth is. Use the Sleeping Murloc there and he will not be able to move very far, if at all, and you will be able to pick up all of the fish. There are fish thieves tho, people who will wait for you to use your murloc and then try to steal the fish. If you want to avoid that, take the extra 5 seconds to use a place that's not right next to Sha'leth. If you're using a place near Sha'leth though and have a ranged attack, you can still tag any Magicus that spawn to loot later.
I maxed my fishing rod in just under 5 hours using this method. You will also obtain several stacks of
Runescale Koi
Silver Mackerel
from the murloc.
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Got the pole the other day, already have earned enough for 4 traits, it says to go to my order hall forge to learn them, but when I am there and it is equipped, it still tells me to go to my forge, when I am standing right there...
Have not found anything anywhere that tells me what to do or how to learn the traits it says my pole has available when I am where I am supposed to be when it says "YOU MUST BE AT YOUR CLASS HALL ARTIFACT FORGE TO BUY NEW TRAITS" Nothing seems to work, and I am standing right at the forge.
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Something I haven't seen explained in any post on the first two pages containing "Angling" is that these traits aren't really a chance per cast. If they were, we'd all just be spamming recasts until it procced. Rather it seems the mechanic is that any time you catch something, the game rolls to determine if your next cast that hits a pool will spawn a barrel (if you have the trait).
I'm sure we've all already noticed that spamming recasts is fruitless, but I thought I'd put the explanation out there.
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Made a "toggle equip" macro for
] if anyone wants it :)
1. Change the the names on the first 3 lines to your artifact weapon names (if u play multiple specs)
2. Change worn:Staff and Dagger to your artifact weapon types (same here, gotta type multiple ones if your specs have multiple weapon types)
/equip Ulthalesh, the Deadwind Harvester
/equip Scepter of Sargeras
/equip Skull of the Man'ari
/equip Underlight Angler
/equip Underlight Angler
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By far the best place I could find is west of the flight point Irongrove Retreat in north western
. The amount of
pools is just enormous and they spawn fast. Here you can catch both
Besudelter Runenschuppenkoi
to increase the artifact power of your
It cannot be emphasized enough that you should also use
Arkaner Köder
Beschwörer Margoss
(Fished up from
pools) at all times and
at the same time
, when possible. Once both the buffs are up the possibility to catch
Besudelter Runenschuppenkoi
is just so much greater than just having the
Arkaner Köder
up. Don't spend time throwing fish away from your bags while both buffs are up, just fish and much as possible.
While fishing there, some items that will also drop are
Verzauberter Köder
Schlummernder Murloc
. I suggest keeping the
Verzauberter Köder
in your bags at all times without using it and instead just use the
. Once you get a
Schlummernder Murloc
and don't have the
buff up, find a bit of clear land and use it. A Murloc will start running around throwing away
which you're supposed to collect by running over the fishes.
As soon as you have collected enough artifact power to get
Angeln von Runenschuppenkois
trait, hearthstone back to Dalaran and find the Underlight Pearl by the Dalaran fishing pool to spend your points. (You will also need to purchase
before getting
Angeln von Runenschuppenkois
While fishing I used the following gear
Nats Hut
Nat Pagles Extremanglerstiefel
yielding around 1020 skill in fishing. Once I had the
Arkaner Köder
buffs up, the drop for
Besudelter Runenschuppenkoi
from a pool was pretty much guaranteed.
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This fishing pole also increases mounted swim speed, regardless of mount type! I don't know if it is with or with out the swim speed point to the pole, but I can only assume so.
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The most efficient way to farm the AP I found is to join a raid while
is up. The elemental
drops 20-50
Golden Minnows
. You then buy
Sleeping Murloc
for 25. Kill the elemental, loot him, buy a murloc, drop him, loot the fish which you then drop back into the water and repeat, the timing is such that you often won't even have to help fish for the next
Glowing Fish Scale
to summon the next elemental while doing the routine (at least in a full raid).
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A reminder that this is not a Legion-only item. I had forgotten about the buffs (I don't fish at all since I got the dang thing) until I was fishing up the Lurker Below in Serpentshrine Cavern. Got the shark swim buff and waterwalking even though I couldn't use any other mount, as expected in an instance.
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I just finished the Artifact overpower quest and now my underlight angler won't add any new traits. It's not maxed out either. It's stuck at lvl 2. with only 2 or 3 traits open. Is this a glitch?
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Since the artifact upgrade on main weapon to 127 is great ... my underlight angler is going crazy like my main weapon but I cannot upgrade the last few ranks to get the rod completed. Does the artifact level only go to 15 anyways ?
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Got it done within 2 hours on an alt... got my fishing from 0 to 800 and upgraded the rod to 12. Not giving any new information here, just my experience. Having done it on my main 6 months back, felt somehow faster this time, will note what i thought was different. Also, full disclosure, it cost me around 15-20k gold to get the angler, and then around 10k more to get it to lvl 12. At this point, I thought it was worth it.
First, learn fishing from any trainer, & put the fishing action button to a convenient keybind, you're gonna be pushing it a lot :)
Next, a trip to the garrison in Draenor. No issues if u don't have a garrison, just need to fish in the ocean behind where it's supposed to be (near the shipwreck). A couple of casts should get you
Fishing guide to Draenor
. This saves you multiple trips to the trainer & u can simply fish till u hit 700.
Then the gold sink... i bought 30
Arkaner Köder
and pretty much all the lures. Totally u need to catch 18 fish. Noting the special cases..
Betäubter wütender Hai
cannot be traded. You'll have to fish this out. Use the technique noted in the third point to follow.
Most of the lures are 300 - 700 gold each in the AH except for 2...
Rostige Königinnenfischbrosche
Uralter Vrykulring
. These are much more expensive, and with good reason. While the other lures may get you 1-5 of the needed fish, these will give you almost 20! Considering each fish is worth 5 skill points (or 50 AP once you get the rod).. it is definitely worth paying more for these. If you get any of them for under 1.5k, buy out the AH! I have personally paid (and later earned) 3.5k for each of them.
If you don't get a particular lure (not available or too expensive), don't worry too much. You can only have one of each lure in your bag at a time so when you get to the zone, don't use the lures you have. Just use
Arkaner Köder
& start fishing. The game will automatically give you the one you're missing first. Same technique for getting
Betäubter wütender Hai
, & later if you decide to fish for gold, you can target the expensive lure by fishing in the zone with the rest in the bag.
.. probably the most important time-saving tip i can give. I just found a convenient spot by the water and used the lures (unless of course there was a pool right where i was).
of my lures went to waste & not only did i catch at least one of all the required fish, I also caught a decent number of lures to put back on the AH.
: The ocean fish where you have to fish in the black barracuda pools. Also
Rostige Königinnenfischbrosche
Uralter Vrykulring
where u have to fish in the pools that spawn. If you don't have water walking buy something like
Draenic Water Walking Elixir
for these two, since the pools spawn in the middle of the lake.
At this pace, I managed to get all 18 fishes with my fishing lvl 595. I just bought a couple of
Uralter Vrykulring
to complete the deficit (100 fishing points each).
Don't forget to head to Dalaran to raise your skill cap to 800 at this point.
Once you have all 18 fishes and hit 800 in fishing... don't forget to /reload.. I spent 5 minutes wondering why the
Glitzernde Perle
wasn't showing up. That's it. Done. I continued to burn gold on the two main lures to raise my fishing rod to 12. You can do so at your own pace as you please.
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No way to upgrade it? Did the //
before i got the Underlight Angler and now i cant use any AP on it
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Only artifact to not be sacrificed to draw out the darkness from the sword of Sargeras. Passives and undercurrent still work in BFA!
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As of 8.0, this only gives +15 Fishing
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Nerfed to provide only +15 Fishing in 8.0.
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Ok I'm getting AP tossing the rares in the water but there's currently no way to unlock traits since the artifact forge is disabled. Not sure what to do with it.
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Are the rare lures still dropping? been trying for an hour with an active arcane lure, and not got one yet
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on BFA this item it will be still available to obtain ?
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i plan selling this artifact with providing every bait and level needed, but first i have to make sure that now you need 100 Legion Fishing, not everything max. Can anyone confirm?
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Is there a way to reset it's traits as of 8.0? I don't like fishing up junk boots and I also don't want the stealth effect since i'm going for the alternate colour appearances and I can hardly see my character or the rod itself when fishing because of the trait.
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Is it only me or is it no longer possible to gather/add AP to the artifact? The fish which are supposed to raise the AP all show only increase of fishing skill now :(
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Just wanted to share that the pole can be acquired with only "Legion Fishing" at 100 + achievement. The other fishing levels are not required anymore.
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The traits are working in Zandalar & Kul Tiras!
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This item can still be upgraded, the artifact power is obtained by throwing back the rare fish you catch for "Bigger Fish to Fry" achievement. The forge for choosing the traits is the pearl in the Dalaran fountain next to Marcia Chase. I have found the best way to farm the artifact power is the Oodelfjisk schools from the Ancient Vrykrul Ring lure.
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For those that are obtaining this rod after the launch of BFA (8.0.1), here are some notes from my experience:
The rod is still obtainable using the normal methods.
The rod can still be upgraded using Artifact Power gained from rare fish. Note: rare fish caught prior to obtaining the rod DO NOT award AP, only fish caught AFTER obtaining the rod award AP. The tooltips displayed on the fish do not change and are correct.
The talents purchased in the skill tree work in the new zones (Zandalar and Kul Tiras), except for the lure duration increase. Legion lures and buffs duration are no longer increased.
If you cannot see the forge pearl in Dalaran after obtaing the rod try re-zoning or re-logging.
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in BFA 8.0.1
You need all expansion fishing to get your
Fishing (300)
Outland Fishing (75)
Northrend Fishing (75)
Cataclysm Fishing (75)
Pandaria Fishing (75)
Draenor Fishing (100)
Legion Fishing (100)
Total 800 fishing.
Also fishing items like
Geisterhafter Königinnenfisch
only work on Legion Fishing.
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I spent about 5 hours 2 days ago getting this fishing rod under the assumption that it would have its other traits, just not the undercurrent ability. This was 2 days before Uldir opened. People say that you can add Artifact Power to the pole by throwing back the rare fish you get throughout trying to unlock the pole, but this is not true. I have tried throwing fish back in Legion zones, Vanilla zones, Dalaran, Dalaran sewers, and the Conjurer's Island right outside Dalaran. It shows the animation for gaining Artifact Power, but the artifact gains no power.
So essentially, I spent several hours to get a +15 fishing pole that looks cool. Great. Blizzard told me to submit a bug report, and to check the forums and here. Not very helpful.
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Mine has seemed to disappear. How do u receive another one?
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The equipped ability Undercurrent does not seem to work in Kul Tiras or Zandalar (BfA content). I have been all over the place in the various zones. I have Find Fish on my minimap. I clearly see fishing nodes and right in front of me. I've tried pressing the button next to them and stepping away a good 40-50 yards. But when I attempt to use Undercurrent, it just gives a "No fishing nodes nearby" message.
Edit: Way of the Flounder and Underlight Blessing do work, though.
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List of items to increase the skill of fishing
Fishing Poles
Thruks Angelrute
Angelrute der Familie Blump
Staats Angelrute
Starke Angelrute
Seths Grafitangelrute
Nat Pagles Extremangler FC-5000
Große Eisenangelrute
Nats Glücksangel
Meisterliche Angelrute der Kalu'ak
(underwater breathing)
Knöcherne Angelrute
Juwelenbesetzte Angelrute
Draenische Angelrute
(+10 Lure) (Alliance)
Primitive Angelrute
(+10 Lure) (Horde)
Kurzlebige Angelrute
disappears after 1 day (real time)
Fishing Lines
Verstärkte Angelschnur
Gesponnene Echtsilberangelschnur
Rooks Glücksangelschnur
Extremgetestete Eterniumangelschnur
Uralte Angelschnur
Lures(standard duration 10 min)
Angelschwimmer aus Glas
Glänzendes Schmuckstück
Aquadynamische Fischlinse
Fleischfressender Wurm
Helle Schmuckstücke
Köder mit Federn
Aquadynamischer Fischanlocker
Geschärfter Angelhaken
duration 1 hour
Hitzebehandelter Spinnerbait
duration 15 min
Extraordinärer Wurm
Dunkelmond-Doughnut von gestern
disappears after 1 day
Kappe des obersten Anglers
disappears after 7 day (real time)
disappears after 7 day (real time)
Summon a pool of Shipwrecked Debris
Wettergegerbter Angelhut
(+7 Lure)
Nats Hut
(+10 Lure)
Nats Trinkhut
(+10 Lure)
Sandalen des angelnden Art
Stampfer des angelnden Art
Treter des angelnden Art
Wathose des angelnden Art
Nat Pagles Extremanglerstiefel
Stiefel der Bucht
Formel: Handschuhe - Angeln
Formel: Handschuhe - Angler
duration: 2 min / 5 min cooldown
Kapitän Rumseys Lagerbier
duration: 3 min
Geschärfter Tuskarrspeer
duration: 10 min
"Duftender" Pheromonfisch
catches only in Draenor Zones / duration: 5 min / disappears after a minute / can not apply to yourself
work only in Dalaran (Broken Isles) / ~33% chance
Other useful items
Bipsis schlingernde Scholle
(only for Mages class)
Uralter pandarischer Angelglücksbringer
*For groups of items marked with a digit (1) (2) (3), the skill of fishing is not cumulative if used together with other items of the same group.
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So I am new to WoW, does this still work in BFA? Not the traits but just the whole teleport thing would be kinda nice.
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One of the features of this pole is that it extends the duration of lures and bait by 8% for each level purchased. Note, however, that level 1 does not count toward this. So if your pole is at level 12, then the boost is 11 * 8% = 88%, and not the 96% you'd expect.
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This baby has saved me many times in BFA by being able to just run into the ocean and get away assuming I am not too far inland. Sometimes you just get outnumbered 3v1 and you can run away for a while but they would get you anyway. You can escape to deep water and hearth or use flight master whistle with this.
the only artifact with remaining power, one artifact to rule them all....hmmmm.
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As of 8.2 no longer usable during combat :( You used to be able to create space between you and enemies by equipping this via macro and jumping in the water. No longer an option. FUN DETECTED - MUST ELIMINATE...
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As of 8.2, Underlight Angler's
Underlight Blessing
no longer works during combat. This is a huge nerf to the Artifact and one of the main reasons people still use it. Honestly, it's a huge shame considering that the trade off was pretty balanced; sacrificing you main weapon for a speed boost in water to escape combat. I suspect this is a side effect from Blizzards comment about making the Underlight Angler not work during the
Blackwater Behemoth
fight. Instead of coding it so that it doesn't work in this fight or the the Eternal Palace, they just gave it a standard "does not work in combat" script.
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In 8.2 - Rise of Ashzara:
simply equipping the Underlight Angler will no longer automatically grant swim speed increase of
if you are in shark form, entering combat will knock you out of shark form - causing you to lose your
swim speed increase
I kept the Underlight Angler on my hotbar specifically for those abilities.
I'm disappointed they removed the utility of the item.
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Haven't found this anywhere else. Takes 1850 artifact points to get water walking with the pole
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Now that achievements are account wide can I just fish pearl on an alt?
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CONFIRMED! You no longer need a 800 overall fishing skill just got the pearl with 597. At Suramar near Irongrove after a few pools, its truly a good spot for it.
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You can still apply artifact power to this rod if like me you did not do this during legion. Throw the AP granting items like frogs into the water. Once you have enough for a trait, visit the pearl in the fountain with the fishing pole equipped.
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/run local c,e=133755,GetInventoryItemID('player',16)if c==e and DDH_PREVEQ then EquipItemByName(DDH_PREVEQ)DDH_PREVEQ=nil else DDH_PREVEQ=e and GetItemInfo(e)EquipItemByName(c)end
Using this code will swap your weapon with the fishing pole only works if you are using a 2 handed weapon credits to
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Using this macro will swap your weapon with the underlight angler fishing pole and vice versa this macro will only work if your weapon is a 2 handed weapon
/run local c,e=133755,GetInventoryItemID('player',16)if c==e and DDH_PREVEQ then EquipItemByName(DDH_PREVEQ)DDH_PREVEQ=nil else DDH_PREVEQ=e and GetItemInfo(e)EquipItemByName(c)end
All the credits go to
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I could 'hear' the bubbles but not find them when near the top as there are so many bubbles around. I had to dive down way deep, where there were no other bubbles to see one for the achiev and got the well lurker on the first bubble I could click on.
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Has anyone figured out how to reset the traits in BFA? I bought the "Way of the flounder" and I do not like the invisible effect at all, It takes the uniqueness away from this awesome looking fishing rod. The vendor in the class hall to reset traits doesn't do it anymore, and the pearl to learn traits for the rod doesn't reset traits either.
I have tried a few macros but it has "Aura cannot be cancelled" a part of the spell, so it doesn't accept the macro, is there something else someone can suggest?
Thank You.
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As of 9.0.2 I've tested the angler in Maldraxxus. I can turn into a fish, but it won't let me waterwalk. Other than that, it appears to not have been nerfed.
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You can level up fishing pole by
Throw Back
catched fish
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Is it still useful? Like, can I choose the traits or are they locked because "the artifact power was used to deactivate sargeras blade"?
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Can we still get this in shadowlands?
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How do you get the Teleport option to work. I have to fishing holes right next to each other and I do not teleport to the next one. Do I have to click on something or does that feature not work anymore?
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For those of us looking for this in
, yes it 100%
still works
, and yes, it IS worth the grind I promise!
Some tips:
1) The rare lures are Unique. I don't mean Unique per item, I mean unique for them
. I wasted
hours and hours
, cursing my luck, the stars, and the family cow, because I had a deep sea lure in my bag and didn't realize it shared a Unique status with the lure I was trying to get. SO, that leads me into tip 2....
2) If you have some sort of ability to vendor in the field (think tundra mammoth, longboi, even the Argent Squire/Gruntling with pony bridle), if you get a lure you can't immediately use, you can vendor it to "hold" it. You'd do this in cases where you already have an active buff going so that you're not overlapping or wasting anything. Once the buff from your existing lure is gone, you can then buy-back one of the "spare" rare baits and carry on fishing. This will allow you to chain rare fishing much more efficiently.
3) I do not know if getting the lures from Margoss are really effective, but it doesn't hurt to get them. They're easy to get and if you get the coin you're supposed to toss back you can defeat the elemental for a drowned mana drop rate buff. I also don't know if having only Shadowlands fishing will allow you to get the quest (it will let you fish the rares though), so I went ahead and picked up Legion fishing from him while I was there to be extra sure.
4) Flying makes this much easier. And speaking of easier....
5) Until you have the rod, get yourself some water walking elixirs. There are absolutely (particularly in Stormheim) pools where there is zero way to fish there by land.
6) If you don't have a Legion Dalaran hearthstone, for whatever reason, make sure you get it. If you had it and just lost it (or destroyed it, like me), there's a lady in Legerdemain Lounge that can give it back.
7) Don't spend a bunch of gold on the lures. They
drop, I promise. Patience, grasshopper. I was able to get this done in 2 days even after I had wasted hours not understanding the Unique status.
8) For the particularly annoying ones, I picked a pool and then overfished it (fished it until it went away, then kept at it). Sometimes it worked, and sometimes it didn't. Such is life, eh? :)
Getting the rare fish achievement is 100% the hardest, most tedious, most annoying part of the entire thing. Stick with it though!
Leveling the Artifact
So once you actually have your shiny new rod it can't do anything. Bummer :( You have to go and catch more rare fish with the rod equipped. The existing rare fish hogging up space in your bags....well, they're soulbound and they can't be used for artifact power so you might as well vendor them. When you start catching them again, you will see the tooltip change to say they grant 50 Artifact Power. Keep fishing the rares until your bags are pretty much completely full. (Tip: make this much faster on yourself by going for the queenfish necklace or the vrykul ring, then camp 1 of the pools until they disappear, use the vendor trick if necessary, repeat.)
There appears to be a tooltip bug when you go to actually upgrade it. The pole says you need to go to your Class Hall to do your traits but that is
. You throw all the rare fish you got into the Dalaran pool by your pearl to get the Artifact Power and then click on the pearl itself for your traits.
Using a multi-line Use macro will save you a bunch of clicks when you are spamming your Artifact Power at the fountain, like:
/use Ancient Black Barracuda
/use Ancient Mossgill
/use Coldriver Carp
/use Graybelly Lobster
etc etc for all the fish types.
I say enjoy and good luck! :D
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Hey All, I've posted this under the 'Way of the Flounder' spell itself but reposting here incase some people dont look that far. Below you'll find a macro which allows you to auto cancle the invisibility effect that occurs if you take the 'way of the flounder' trait.
As some of you may have found, since the removal of legion artifact powers there is no way in game to remove this trait once it has been learned.
I've even ticketed blizzard 3 times asking them to remove this trait or straight up delete my underlight angler and reset the quest but every time I was met with the usual 'we don't offer this service we're really sorry but you are a valued player blah blah blah'
After attempting a simple /cancelaura macro for the trait the issue you'll find is that while "fishing" & the 'Way of the Flounder' buff appear at the same time there is a slight delay between the two. This means that you need to have a wait function in your macro to remove the debuff.
I actually mangled this script together from one found on reddit and just changed the delay and buff time while tweaking the spell name and adding the simple fishing components.
So below you'll find a fishing macro that 1. casts the fishing spell. and 2. cancels the way of the flounder buff with a wait interval of 0.15 seconds (low enough delay for the effect to not be seen at all)
#showtooltip Fishing
/cast Fishing
/run C_Timer.After(0.15, function() for i = 1, 40 do local name = UnitBuff("player", i) if name == 'Way of the Flounder' then CancelUnitBuff("player", i) end end end)
Hope this helps all you fellow fishers out there because Blizzard themselves sure didnt.
- Your local angler SGI - Argent Dawn
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Got annoyed having to equip my weapons after swapping to angler so I wrote a macro that works for 1h + offhand or 2h weapon. Enjoy.
#showtooltip Underlight Angler
/run local function G(x) return GetInventoryItemID("player",x) end local m, o, u = G(16), G(17), 133755 if m ~= u then EquipItemByName(u) G_M=m G_O=o else if G_O then EquipItemByName(G_O) end EquipItemByName(G_M) end
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If you are a dummy like me and forgot where the forge was for this, its at the fountain in Dalaran
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Just got my Underlight Angler, patch 9.2.
To surmise my journey and hopefully streamline your experience in obtaining this awesome rod:
Took around 5 hours total time including transit to obtain and upgrade the rod to a point where all the major abilities were unlocked, however I slightly overdid it.
Always fish from the schools. For anyone else who didn't play during Legion, there are two types of schools of fish*; inland and oceanic. Inland schools are your zone "signature" fish e.g.
These are the schools you want to focus on in order to obtain each zones rare fish for
Dicke Fische
Check for small inland streams, they're kinda hard to see on the map at first - at least where I started, in Azsuna.
The other type of school, oceanic (
Schwarzer Barrakuda
), are located along coastal waters of all zones within Broken Isles. These schools will yield the rares common across all zones. (shark/squid, axehead, barracuda)
There are some nice comments outlining what bait leads to which rare and how they work under their respective wowhead pages so I won't go into any of that.
There are two types of lures based on duration, 2min lures require you to fish from standard pools to receive the rare fish, 5min duration lures allow access to "hidden" schools that spawn in once you use the lure. They are in fixed locations and will always be in the same place whenever the respective lure buff is reacquired.
If you can't find Nat Pagle for
run into the bank near the fountain and he just spawns on top of you. Lol.
My pearl artifact upgrade interface bugged out after every few points in an ability, simply closing and reopening the interface fixed this for me.
Best way to farm Artifact Power for me was in Stormheim farming
, once you get a few fish make sure you upgrade your rod a few times, every level will increase the duration of rare lures by 8% making it quickly much more efficient. After I think two rings I had enough AP to get around 10min duration on the lures. This meant I was getting multiple rings per pool - apparently there is a trick where you can vendor the rings (perhaps utilizing a mammoth etc.) and allowing you to gather more rings, then you can simply buy them back from the vendor as required. There were some other comments about using mailboxes and alts as well. I didn't even need to do this in order to get enough AP for the major abilities. Didn't bother with the rest since they don't work outside of zone.
Artifact technical aspects:
Water walking auto-applies shortly after dismounting** (does not allow you to walk across water whilst mounted, you will need the Pandaria Angler's items for that, or consumables/shaman buff etc.). The fish form works exactly like druid water-form shapeshift. Threat reduction, fish form and water walking all work outside of Broken Isles, but percentage lure duration increase and other zone fishing bonuses do not apply. Undercurrent ability also does not appear to work outside of Broken Isles.***
Rooks Glücksangelschnur
is not compatible with
, responds with error message "Target too low level". Have read some reports that
Uralte Angelschnur
does work, will update once I obtain and test. In the mean-time I'll be breaking in the new rod, farming Deviates for a
Hut des Ersten Maats
- pirate transmog ftw.
*There seem to be some reports stating that there is overlap between oceanic and inland schools yielding common rares, however I found a simplistic binary overview of the objective to be easiest to focus on
**Seems to have some sort of internal refresh cycle of around 1sec)
***Tested in Norther Barrens: /cast Undercurrent responds with error message "No fishing nodes nearby", even when literally on top of nodes or at seemingly any distance
Edit: forgot to put in the AP farming trick mentioned elsewhere - could be important!
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Download the AddOn called
if you chose the slot called
Way of the Flounder
It helped me eliminate that annoying buff that comes out every time I use the rod. :)
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To unlock traits you need to click on the big pearl in dalaran fountain, and not on the forge in your class domain as the red text says.
Hope this post will save you minutes of comment reading.
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It looks like you can't currently level up your fishing rod, as you can't equip it anymore since the profession tool change.
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"Fishing for Attention"
is a new 10.0 buff that appears when using fishing gear. Particularly note worthy in regards to the Underlight Angler.
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If you also rushed over here because you can't find your pole, don't panic. As of DF Patch 10.0.2, attempting to equip this item will cause it to disappear from your bags. It is now listed in your professions gear slot, found under Fishing Journal. As of right now, you can still walk on water and become a fish by canceling the water tension buff, but you must first throw out a fishing cast.
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I just got this on my Evoker and can't click the
Underlight Pearl
in Dalaran.
The error message is:
You must have an artifact equipped.
Well, I "equipped" it into the
Fishing Tool
slot as it's the only place it would fit now (I guess?) :>
The rod is also shown on my character's back, but the pearl still won't let me do anything.
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With fishing rods having their own equipment slot, we can gain the
(while dismounted, but
to cover the mounted part) and
shark form
benefits for free. But, entering combat causes these traits to be disabled, and they will remain disabled until you're out of combat
you re-equip the Underlight Angler.
To simplify this process, I've come up with three solutions that each accomplish the job in a different way. Pick your favorite.
Option 1 - press twice:
#showtooltip Underlight Angler
/run PickupInventoryItem(28)PutItemInBackpack()
/equip Underlight Angler
Option 2 - press twice:
#showtooltip Underlight Angler
/equip Fishing Pole
/equip Underlight Angler
Option 3: Just use your
spell, no need to make a macro for it.
The first one doesn't require you to carry an extra fishing rod around all the time, but it won't work if your backpack (not all your bags - just the backpack) is full. The second one has the opposite pros/cons.
The third one requires you to be on the ground and standing still, so you can attempt to throw a line (attempting to fish will put the rod in your hands again and reapply its bonuses). It doesn't require you to be near water.
Option 2, but with an appropriate Dragonflight fishing tool instead of a generic fishing rod. That way the macro doubles as a swap for when you want to fish with say, extra Perception, or when you want the various bonuses of the Underlight Angler.
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Due to the changes in Dragonflight making the Underlight Angler a Profession item, you are no longer able to equip this in your weapon slot. That will cause issues when you need to spend artifact power to acquire traits. I have discovered a workaround to purchse those traits.
First ensure the Underlight Angler is equipped in the profession tool slot of the Fishing Journal.
Next equip a Legion Artifact Weapon.
Use the Underlight Pearl in the Dalaran Fountain to open the weapon's trait window.
While that window is open, access your Fishing Journal and Shift-Right Click on the Underlight Angler.
You should now be able to spend artifact power you have gained from rare fish.
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As of 10.0.2 build 46702, it appears the Underlight Angler is no longer increasing the duration of Legion baits; I suspect this is due to a bug with the profession overhaul. My rod is level 11 and the Ancient Vrykul Ring still has the original duration of 5 minutes. With my level 11 rod, it should be 9 minutes 24 seconds with my napkin math. Is anyone else seeing the same issue?
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Have noticed since Dragonflight changes that the perks from a max level underlight angler no longer seem to be working, at least not for me. The perks for being able to fish up a barrel of fish from legion pools definitely doesn't appear to be working now that the rod itself has become a profession tool and not equipable. I hope this isn't permanent because I loved those perks. The water walking, stealth detection and swimming all seem to work fine.
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This 'fishing tool' concept, while I'm sure is well-intentioned, has not been well
when it comes to Underlight Angler and to a lesser extent,
Meisterliche Angelrute der Kalu'ak
The main feature of these poles is underwater breathing. But now the design intent is to use the pole at the surface when one is ready to fish, which at first glance is perfectly reasonable, right? EDIT: I've also discovered that if the water
has no fish/not meant to be fished
, the pole will
to be equipped. Brilliant.
With these poles, however, many more race/class combos are given the opportunity to dive deep and explore underwater. Now, the canny player will have a backup in case something happens, but let's say you're a newer player, just got one of these poles and in your excitement, decides to test out this feature. You dive deep down, happily exploring the depths for as long as you like... and then
you get hit by a mob.
Your pole gets unequipped while you fight the mob, and you're now holding your breath while you kill it.
But "wait, I can't get my air supply back?" Yeah, that's right, you
reequip your air supply
because you're swimming, and you can't fish while swimming.
In their panic because they're too deep, or stuck somewhere that the surface isn't directly above them, the new player forgets about their hearthstone and while scrambling for the surface, drowns.
In their frustration and disgust, as they go find their local repair NPC nearest to the graveyard, the new player wonders what the point of that was in Blizz leading them to their doom like that.
So Blizz, indeed what IS the point?
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With the introduction of
, we no longer equip the underlight angler into our main hand to use it.
Once you right click it in your inventory bags (
which was how we always equipped it, swapping out our weapon for it
), it now instead disappears from your bags and is slotted into the fishing proffesion slot allocation. (
found by clicking your fishing journal in professions tab
This improvement means your weapon always remains equipped now during fishing, as in the past we have all gone into combat whacking creatures in the face with our angler rod still equipped.
To still gain the water walking buff
that was one of the two cool buffs originally provided by the angler rod, the other being able to turn into a shark to swim
), simply perform a fishing cast on land etc. Once you have done a cast, you will see your char is now holding your underlight angler, allowing you to water walk. If you go into combat however, you will need to perform that step again to regain water walking.
If you wish to un-equip the angler from your profession slot, simply drag it from your fishing journal slot back into your bag, realizing you will lose the ability to waterwalk during fishing unless you reslot it back in.
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Currently the Underlight Angler is not working.
You cannot get the fish form, nor water breathing.
You can get the buffs reduced aggro and water tension buffs if you're standing still and perform a cast action, however they go away the moment you move.
If you're out on the water, you'll fall in and be unable to reactivate.
None of the listed macro's help at all.
Currently I find myself having to use the fishing raft to get back on the water, and then using a cast action.
As such, the major benefits of the item have been destroyed (fish form, water breathing, water walking).
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i found a way to make this work again sort off, for swimming atleast.
/equip Underlight Angler
/run PickupInventoryItem(28)PutItemInBackpack()
This equips / unequips the pole, which makes you transform everytime you re-equip it.
This macro also requires your first bagslot to be available
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How to see a progress of the
Artifact Power bar?
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swim speed doesnt seem to work in the dragon isles anymore, a few weeks before i could equip it and ride dragon in water to gain swim speed / dismounted to become the fish. not working anymore on me :(
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Attention Evokers! A guildmate of mine found a work around for Evokers. To get this to work, have it equipped in your profession slot and go to the Pearl in Dalaran. Enter the following command.
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1021)
It will only work if you HAVE enough AP for the first skill. After that, the rest of the skills will be visible and unlockable.
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i just learned about this one... is it still a thing?
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This stopped working for me after 10.0.5
(at least in the dragon isles)
Edit: after further testing
if you chose to hide your prof equipment it stops working
i had to go and ask the tauren in valdrakken to show my equipment again and it started working again
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For anyone that misses the ability to activate water walking and fish form at will since the start of DragonFlight, you may find this macro helpful:
#showtooltip Underlight Angler
/script PickupInventoryItem(28) for i = 0, 4 do local x = C_Container.GetContainerNumFreeSlots(i) if (x > 0) then PutItemInBag(30 + i) end end EquipItemByName(133755)
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Did anyone else notice that after the 10.0.5 patch, you can't fish anymore trash-tier boots? Is this a deliberate decision to remove this feature with the introduction of grey and white transmogs? I was hoping to make gold selling them!
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I am unable to teleport to nearest fishing node. Anyone else?
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For anyone looking to get this in Dragonflight, you can fish up the pearl if you are at least level 60 (no idea if you can get it at a lower level) after getting the achievement.
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For when you go back to the pearl to apply all the Artifact Power you spent hours fishing, only to discover the bug, here's the work-around:
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1021)
Paste that into chat line
while the artifact window is open
, and it will fill in with the expected empty traits as pre-BfA.
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So I recently got my Underlight Angler in Dragonflight, and farmed artifact power enough to buy the big traits. Anyway. as of Dragonflight expansion new system, you cant unlock the upgrades to the angler, even tho it is equiped and you can interact with the pearl at dalaran where you would do normally. The traits aren't accessible but the different color appearences for the angler are there.
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I never completed all of the artifact power slots on mine - and with the release of Dragonflight - is this even possible anymore to get artifact power and use it on it? If so, where and how? I'm just missing filling out the 3 slots for the different fish, so I guess it's not THAT big of a deal - but the completionist in me wants to fill them. :(
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Can confirm this item is obtainable and upgradable during Dragonflight.
I got it yesterday and have today upgraded the item as far as Surface Tension so I can walk on water. The water walking works when I have the angler equipped as my fishing tool, I do a cast to make it kick in, and I have Fishing For Attention active, if you are not visibly wearing your fishing gear it won’t work. Talk to
Mahra Baumbieger
if you need to turn your gear's appearance on.
To get the artifact I followed this guide from Legion.
Hold on to any extra lures you get while doing
Dicke Fische
, you will need them after you obtain the item to gain artifact power. To spend the artifact power (that you gain from fishing up rares after getting the rod) head back to the pearl in the fountain at Dalaran.
As others here have stated, the items ‘use’ of transporting to a fishing node does not appear to work. I haven’t upgraded the item to Underlight Blessing so I don’t know if the fish/underwater breathing/extra swim speed works.
Happy fishing!
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Not using the chosen artefact skin in DF, only the default. Shows correctly in wardrobe.
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Things to know before you start
You have to have the achievement Bigger Fish to Fry on each character that you want to get the Angler on, this shows "account wide" but it is not
So get this first or you will never fish up the Pearl
Getting Ready (Skill Ups)
1. Have a good +skill fishing pole, if you dont do the quest to get Nat Pagle's Extreme Angler Pole (Easter Kingdoms)
2. Get a Fishing hat to buff the pole, if you dont have one use a fishing lure (sold at trainers to buff the fishing pole) +9 skill
3. Get the Fishing line (if pole is lower level from dranenor)
4. Get a 50 or below pair of gloves and get the +5 fishing skill enchant and put it on them
5. Do the Mean Gulls quest in BFA and get the +5 fishing skill boots
Your fishing skill must be 100 for Legion
If you fish up a rare throw it back in (pre-100 skill and get 5 skill points)
Go to the Island outside Legion Dalaran and fish up Drowned Mana
Trade the drowned Mana at the vendor there on the island for Arcane Lures (at least 35 of them before you leave)
Only Fish in Pools, use the arcane lure and buff your skill before you start fishing in the pool
The Pool can give you any bait for that zone, but only that zone.
So if you fish in a queenfish pool you can get any of the three baits not just the rusty broach
When you get the rare fish, and you still have a bait for that fish save it for after you get the Pearl quest
Not all rare baits stack, so if you have the rare for the achivement mail the bait to an alt so you can use it after you get the peal quest
Any Rare fish before you get the Pearl are useless for leveling the Angler.
Most baits last 2 minutes, if the pool your fishing in disappears not move keep fishing until the buff is gone, youre better off, you might get the rare but if you leave the buff will probably expire before you find another pool.
You wont always get your rare when you have the buff
Stay inside the zone, if you get too close to the edge of the zone, you will be fishing in open waters, (which you do need) but if you are focusing on the zone stick to the interior waterways
hardest 2 baits
for me was the Swollen Murloc Egg try here ( /way 40,75 ) And the Rusty Queen Broach try here ( /way 63, 22 )
Note about eh Oodelfjisken Pools
, when you get the Vrykul ring go here before you use it, fish the Oodlefjisk pool at Dreadwake's Landing on the Beach.
I used the ring and didnt see any pools and paniced, you have 5 minutes, luckly I was in their river anyway and just went north and a pool appeared!
When the Oodlefjisk Buff goes away the pools disappear
: 20230903 - Once you get all the fish and the Bigger Fish to Fry Achive goes off, go find a pool and fish up the pearl
You will get a quest, take this back to Dalaran, Kadgar, then the fountian.
If Nat is not there waiting for you log out and back in.
Nat will take you on a fishing adventure to clear out some Murlocs and make the Angler.
Leveling the Angler
use up all the bait you have left, you will get 2-4 fish each
it takes more to level up when you get going so try and get the queenfish pools as you can catch up to 15 or so which can give you an entire level
Focus on Water Walking and Underwater Fish Transformation/breathing that will help you the most in other areas other than legion
You will need to use this macro and or go to the trainer in Valdraken and ask that your gathering equipment be shown or you water walking, underwater swimming and teleport to the nearest pool will not work
#showtooltip Underlight Angler
/script PickupInventoryItem(28) for i = 0, 4 do local x = C_Container.GetContainerNumFreeSlots(i) if (x > 0) then PutItemInBag(30 + i) end end EquipItemByName(133755)
: 20230903 -
Best Spots by Zone
Circle around these cords or do a north/south and east/west patrol as need to find pools
Azsuna /way 54, 36
Val'sharah /way 63, 48
High Mountain /way 36, 80
Suramar /way 25, 25
Stormheim /way 58, 70
Open Sea (Suramar Southern Coast)
From /way 73, 50
To /way 76, 70
Suramar Southern Coast is also a great place to fish up the Pearl.
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I was running into an issue where I couldn't initialize the traits on my Underlight Angler. Something is just simply borked, however I did find a temporary solution until hopefully Blizz fixes it:
Do this while the artifact forge (the giant pearl in the fountain) is open. You need to have your artifact equipped to do so: /run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1021)
This is using some of the
. The way I found the ID was via the
function. By doing /dump C_ArtifactUI.GetPowers() it gave me a list of the IDs used by the artifact, and I just simply chose the first / lowest number value that was returned.
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So useful that I grind out my new Evoker to get it.
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(For context, I recently returned to WoW and am playing Dragonflight for the first time)
I already had the Underlight Angler from Legion but thought that its water-walking and fish-transformation abilities weren't working any more until I checked out some comments below (thanks Bomigabster!) ) and went to
Mahra Treebender
at /way Valdrakken 31.8 64.5 to
turn on my fishing equipment visibility
It doesn't behave in exactly the same way as it did (e.g. if you're water-walking and get attacked by a hostile mob you can't easily start water-walking again like before) but it's still very usable and super useful to have.
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I just finished unlocking all the useful artifact traits and the
passive wasn't working despite it being equipped in the fishing journal.
To get it working, I had to equip it in my weapon slot. After that, it can be returned to the fishing journal, and it'll work how everyone describes it.
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i don't know if its just me but is anyone else not fishing schools in one cast like they're supposed to
i have the traits unlocked and all that but it doesn't fish in one cast
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For people like me who wondered how to find a fix to turn into a fish when in water. I found this one which works great!:
/equip Underlight Angler
/run local c=C_Container.GetContainerNumFreeSlots PickupInventoryItem(28)if(c(0)>0)then PutItemInBackpack() else PutItemInBag(c(1)>0 and 31 or(c(2)>0 and 32 or(c(3)>0 and 33 or(34))))end
You do have to click it 2 times for it to unequip and and equip for the ability to activate, but that's a mild inconvenience compared to activating the ability manually:
(There is mentioned something about using an /in macro, to avoid clicking it again, but I can't get that to work)
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Just got this fishing pole in less than a few hours. I had a few guildies who helped me out with the baits and found some at the AH from 2k to 5k range. Once I've completed
Dicke Fische
I relogged to reset the drop for quest needed to start the fishing pole. I traveled to Janvik (between Suramar and Stormheim on the map) to fish in the baracuda schools to find the quest item (
Glitzernde Perle
). Found it on my 3rd school. I completed the chain quest but then I was stuck because the artifact tree was not populating when I clicked the Luminous Pearl in Dalaran. The window itself opened but only showed that I had 4,500 AP but no tree to spend points. After some research, this crap is bugged since Blizz made the pole a profession tool >.<
After some more research I found a workaround this bug.
Make sure you have at least 100 Artifact Power for this.
Open up your Artifact Tree by clicking the Pearl in Dalaran. Then paste this in chat:
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1021)
This script will unlock Undercurrent which is the first trait and then you’ll see the artifact tree magically unfold for you to continue spending points.
Dicke Fische
Buy the bait from AH or from guildies who already have
Angelfreund der Inseln
achievement. They can buy bait for you with 25 fish form respective Fisher Friend. I'll list below each Fisher Friend and the baits they sell. (SAVE any other bait you happen to fish up, btw. You'll need them for AP power AFTER you got the pole)
Relog, then fish up Luminous Pearl from Baracuda Schools in Janvik (between Stormheim and Suramar on the map) and complete the chain quest given from the Pearl.
Now... more fishing so you can get Artifact Power.
a) You can continue fishing in Janvik schools.
Betäubter wütender Hai
gives about 8-12
per kill so thats approx. 400-600 AP per kill.
Verwester Walspeck
will give you a
Unersättliche Fliege
which applies 5 minute buff to catch
Uralter schwarzer Barrakuda
from the schools. Remember to use
Arkaner Köder
s if you still have some.
b) If
is up in Suramar, you can get a guildie who has Fisherfriends completed to buy a
Schlummernder Murloc
from Sha'leth for 25 minnows from the yellow pool there. This will give you 8-13
fish so that is 400-650 AP. This is the faster and lazier method of the two but you depend on Shal'eth being up for that day.
Go spend AP in Dalaran. If you tree is not showing up, open chat and paste this scrip
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1021)
You will need a total of 2,275 AP to unlock
along the way. You'll need a total of 5,500 AP if you want to get
Weg der Flunder
as well. You can plan ahead using
Wowhead's tree calculator. Click on Spend Power tab
Baits from Fisher Friends
Ilyssia von den Wassern
Rostige Königinnenfischbrosche
Betäubter wütender Hai
Verwester Walspeck
Akule Flusshorn
Abgefahrene Seeschnecke
Geschwollenes Murlocei
Verzauberter Köder
Schlummernder Murloc
Uralter Vrykulring
Glitschige Drachenschuppe
Hüterin Raynae
Verweste Fischgräte
Ertrunkener Distelblattwaldgeist
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Anyone could help me with this issue: I have unlocked every appearance in my pearl , but when I pick the green one, the rod I am fishing still uses the red one. Anyone knows a workaround? I tried equipping and unequipping and talking to
Mahra Baumbieger
at /way Valdrakken 31.8 64.5, to turn on my fishing equipment visibility on and off, but doesn't fix this either. My pearl has 0 artifact power. Also when I pick the green appearance, inspecting my rod does show the green appearance too. But it still shows that I am fishing with red one! Any help would be appreciated!
Edit: I came across this
which suggests that we post under this
Bug Report
in case Blizzard fixes it sonner.
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Black Barracuda Angling dont seam to work anymore.
I got no barrels. :(
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A quick note for anyone looking to get this as of Dragonflight, it appears you need to be a minimum of level 39 to even use the special fish lures so you can complete the achievement Bigger Fish to Fry to start the quest to get this artifact pole.
I just fished up a Swollen Murloc Egg in Highmountain on my level 27 alt and the requirements listed on it state level 39. Bummer. I was going to work on getting this pole as I leveled this alt.
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If you did what I did and turned off your profession gear from being worn after you are done fishing at the NPC that does that then the passives will not work. You need to have it turned on to hold the equipment after fishing, fish once, then until your next instance of combat you can use the passives.
Cast fishing again to reactivate when out of combat. Don't need to catch anything just cast and cancel.
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Here is some help if you have completed
Dicke Fische
and gotten the
but can't see or use the talents
This is assuming you want the passive buffs of
Before going further i recommend ensuring your fishing gear stays on after fishing. This is to ensure the passive buffs stays up.
You can talk with
Mahra Baumbieger
to help with that
To get
we need a total of 2275 artifact power.
Here i would suggest fishing for
Rostige Königinnenfischbrosche
as it's close to dalaran and you can get about 1000 AP from the fish within the 5min buff
Make sure the Underligt Angler is equipped in the profession slot of the fishing journal
Interract with the Underlight Pearl in the Dalaran Fountain. This will show a blank weapon's trait window, but don't worry
While the window is open write in the chat
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1021)
This will give you the first ability
. Note you still can't see the abilities but your level and AP cost goes up.
If this doesn't work, try and move away, then fish in the fountain and interract with the Underligt Pearl again
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1028)
For Cursed Queenfish Angling
Angeln von verfluchten Königinnenfischen
, write 3 times
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1023)
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1029)
And last but not least for
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1032)
If you interract with the Underligt Pearl and write
/dump C_ArtifactUI.GetPowers()
This will give you a list of the artifact powers from 1021-1033, though sadly it doesn't give us the names,
Through some testing trying to get my fishing rod and having to spend far too much time and AP, this seemed to work.
A bit unsure if Bloodfishing was 1028, as i lost track early on trying from the lowest number to the highest, which was a clear mistake because of the inceasing AP cost.
For overview of the talents that you can't see in game
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I was farming the Bigger Fish to Fry achievement's items and caught the luminous pearl without having fished a single rare legion fish on this toon. So it looks like the Bigger Fish to Fry achievement is now warband-wide, you just need 100 Legion fishing to get it and start the questline.
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Original post by Thepr0phet:
(Without their original research, none of this would have been possible)
(added this as a separate comment for formatting reasons, but linking response to the actual savior in these wonky times :-)
Artifact Tree with reference ID's
Takes 46 Rare AP fish for enough Artifact Power to get you "Underlight Blessing"
Isolated the 'Bloodfishing' command & noted any visual hints when you run the commands.
If you saw orig post, this a recap, but with notes:
For most of these, the only visual indication is that your AP cycles down with each command!
Copy/paste commands into chat:
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1021)
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1030)
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1022)
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1022)
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1022)
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1029)
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1032)
["Underlight Blessing" Buff will show when you hop the wall & swim in the Violet Hold Lake :)
If you are super determined to get "Way of the Flounder" without the visual input, feel free to test out the other commands :D
There may be a way to string these commands together to simplify the process(vs copy/paste one line at a time),
or possibly build an addon to add in visuals til the 'in game' interface is addressed.
Additional recap:
Patch 11 made achievement Warbound, so you can jump right in to pearl hunting, however....
You still need legion fishing 100 & Must be lvl 45 for the pearl to even show up.
Wowhead shows best place to hunt pearl is in the Gloaming Reef, though my personal preference is Suramar, just south of "Hafr Fjall" flightpoint. (LOTS of pools close together).
Side note, with a technical tidbit:
The item# for the Pearl you find
is NOT the same item# for the Pearl that Khadgar gives you after he pats you on the head :)
(not cannon?) He keeps your Pearl & gives you the one that triggers the Murloc madness!
Sneaky you dad-joking, head boppin, not-the-guardian :p
:edit: Corrected Queenfish Angling to 1022 now that the correct power ID's are known
To verify, make sure your artifact window is up, then run the following:
/run for i,powerID in pairs(C_ArtifactUI.GetPowers()) do print(powerID, C_ArtifactUI.GetPowerHyperlink(powerID)) end
This, as stated in other posts, should print out all the spell/power ID's for the Underlight upgrading
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For those still looking to add powers to the Underlight Angler, but who cannot see the Artifact power tree, I present the following script:
/run for i,powerID in pairs(C_ArtifactUI.GetPowers()) do print(powerID, C_ArtifactUI.GetPowerHyperlink(powerID)) end
This prints out the numeric powerID and the Name of the Power so you can use the console add power script to add the powers of your choice.
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(powerID)
For those wondering, the powerID/power list is
So if you wish to add powers to get to Way of the flounder you would need to do it in this order:
1021 --- 1030 --- 1024 --- 1024 --- 1024 --- 1028 --- 1033
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1021)
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1030)
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1024)
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1024)
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1024)
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1028)
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1033)
or for Underlight Blessing
1021 --- 1030 --- 1022 --- 1022 --- 1022 --- 1029 --- 1032
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1021)
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1030)
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1022)
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1022)
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1022)
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1029)
/run C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(1032)
You can find the proper pathing for your desired levelling order
Hope that helps!
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Today I got the
Glitzernde Perle
on my 4th char doing the
. The char has only cought 3 of the rare fish themself.
The account wide achievment was enough after I hit legion fishing 100/100.
I did not relog after hitting 100/100.
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Looks like they finally killed the functionality of this. As of The War Within early launch, using this to fish only grants water walking. It no longer grants swim speed or underwater breathing.
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If you want the under light angler then you need to do this BEFORE completing the war within opening in Dalaran because after that you will not be able to hand in the quest to Khadgar because he is no longer standing in the hand in location so you cannot complete the quest.
Bright side: I got the pearl after getting maxed legion fishing so it seems like as long as you have done this once you don't need to do all the rare fishing steps again!
Has anyone found a way to get around this at the moment?
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it seems that surface tension is either bugged or does not work in TWW. At least in the ringing deeps, for me.
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A recent bug in TWW has caused Khadgar to be phased to different spots depending on the quests you have in your log and the stage you are in the TWW campaign. If you completed both the Harbinger pre-patch quest and the first part of the TWW campaign, he should be within the Violet Citadel as usual which will allow you to turn in the Luminous Pearl and progress toward the Underlight Angler.
Was able to turn it in today.
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Just in case nobody has posted, this workaround just worked for me on my level 80 Alliance Dracthyr Evoker to get Khadgar to phase back in to The Violet Citadel in Dalaran after completing as much as TWW campaign as I could at this moment.
"Step wise:
Lower level friend syncs party, max level character runs down to Khadgar in the portrait room (where he was for the prepatch event/starting the TWW intro), talks to him, and skips the TWW intro to be put into Dornogal. Immediately go back to Dalaran, have lower friend cancel party sync, and Khadgar phased in, right in front of us both times."
Credit to "Feinu" from the Forum Post for this workaround. Please like their message.