Dear Wowhead... (Episode 1)
That's right, boys and girls! Welcome to "Dear Wowhead", the advice column for Wowhead users!
If all goes well we should be able to make this a regular column.
Our first letter comes to us directly from the Rogue's Quarter, deep underneath Lordaeron!
Dear Wowhead,
I'm a member of the Forsaken. I live in the southeastern quarter of the Undercity, in a small alcove with six other dead people. Unfortunately, on the day that Undertaker Mordo recovered me from my grave, I was the only one raised. My family wasn't raised with me.
This Winter Veil will be the first time I've ever celebrated the holiday alone. How do you cope with loneliness? How can I honor my family background, without living in the past?
Lonely For The Holidays
Gear Check: Razer Lycosa, DeathAdder, Destructor
One of the things I've always liked about World of Warcraft is the fact that it is a relatively low maintenance PC game - it doesn't require the most hardcore hardware and expensive doodads in order to still provide an enjoyable gaming experience. I remember when I first started playing WoW, in May of 2005, I was playing on a salvaged Hewlett-Packard desktop with barely a month left of life in it, reveling in the much-loved experience of on-board video and way less than a gig of RAM.
I played through a ton of content on this machine, eventually upgrading my RAM so I wouldn't always die in
. I played on this machine thru Burning Crusade and all the way into Black Temple until the PC would finally have no more, and began greeting me with a
Blue Screen of Death
every raid. It was then I swore I would have no more of this foolishness, and I built the beloved PC I have today. It's gone through a few hardware upgrades, a new video card here, a new sound card there.
One thing I hadn't ever really put much thought into upgrading was i
For the Horde...?
If you can't tell from the artwork at the top – that Blood Elf on the left is me – I'm a Horde player. I was an Alliance player for all of seven levels before I made the switch, and made the switch for good. Now I have my Blood Elf paladin main, a Troll mage and an Undead warlock alt, and scattered other random characters (I know I still have a shaman somewhere). I picked a server, I picked a faction, and I stuck with it. I rolled Horde side on Draenor and I never looked back.
Or did I?
Sometimes...I...I'm not sure I feel comfortable saying this. Sometimes...
I wish I had rolled Alliance
Emergency Security Warning
According to
, there is a major hole in Internet Explorer (versions 5.01, 6, 6 SP1, and 7) which can potentially be used to install keyloggers on your system.
News reports
indicate that this exploit is primarily being used to steal World of Warcraft passwords. I
recommend everyone IMMEDIATELY update their version of Windows (a regular
Windows Update
should do it) to resolve this issue.
Just a heads up!
Relevant Links
Microsoft's Press Release
BBC Coverage
ZDNet Coverage
Windows Update
Someone pointed out a quote in the BBC article saying:
"What we've seen from the exploit so far is it stealing game passwords, but it's i
The System Is Down!
Well, it looks like the
system is down
again. I figured you guys would want a single, consolidated place to vent your frustrations, so here you go. :)
Here's the most recent update:
Breaking News
December 16th, 2008 10:30am PST
We will be extending the regularly scheduled maintenance by two hours and expect to have all realms available at approximately 1:00pm PST.
Thank you,
Blizzard Entertainment
Looks like the servers are starting to come back up. Happy WoW-ing. :)
Winter Veil 2008 (Dec 15 - Jan 2) - Quest Guide + Information!
Deck the halls with boughs of
, and have a Merry Winter's Veil! It's that time of year again, when kids run playfully through the streets tossing
s at one another, old friends will gather to exchange
or two, and the fine gentlemen of
Smokywood Pastures
come once again to bless us with their delightful yearly gift packages. Cheers!
Feast of Winter Veil
runs from
December 15 - January 2
and can be celebrated by Alliance in
and by Horde in
. Seasonal decorations such as holiday trees, wreaths and lights can be found in all major cities and at most zone inns.
Now That I'm 80...
Wrath of the Lich King has now officially been out for an entire month. For many players the mad rush to hit max level is done. For others there are still a few levels to go. In either case, there's one big question which plagues most minds when ascending the final plateau – What happens next?
What to do when reaching level eighty is at the core of our topic today. I'll start off with some examples of some interesting things one may have missed in their journey. Special items, factions, and dungeons – let's explore our options for max level in 3.0.
Wowhead Comic #5
Beep beep, it's that time again!
Thanks for all the well wishes, guys. I'm still recovering, but at least I don't feel like a walking corpse anymore.
Here's the comic.
Happy Wow-ing~!
Script credit goes to
, he's such an awesome writer.
Contest: 12 Killer Days of Khristmas (Updated 12/25)
Contest Finished
Our grand prize winner is...
Thanks to everyone who participated, and stay tuned for the next contest!
Ho ho ho! What would YOU like for Christmas, boys and girls?
Check out the contest page
Then, post here with the thing your WoW character wants for Christmas!
Day 1:
– fashion > all
Day 2:
– this is the best name ever
Day 3:
– you poor poor soul
Day 4:
– good luck fitting that in a cardboard box
Day 5:
– wouldn't we all
Day 6:
– i've often asked for this myself[/smal
Skills to Pay the Bills: Cooking
Skills to Pay the Bills
is a three-part feature that will cover the important details of leveling the secondary tradeskills of Fishing, First Aid and Cooking in Wrath of the Lich King. These posts are written for the player entering Northrend with all secondary professions already maxed (at 375 skill). For information on leveling tradeskills prior to 375, check out the
Profession Leveling Guides
sticky on our
Part 3: Cooking
Before I become the
Cooking Mama
of Northrend for you, I'll get my opinion right out, right now - leveling
is at least five times more annoying than it ever was before Wrath of the Lich King.
Once upon a time I had this fantasy of becoming the
Realm First! Cooking Grand Master
on my realm, being the first player to reach 450 cooking. This dream was shattered by a terrible cooking leveling system relying on reagents and recipes obtained only via completing daily quests and a (now hotfixed) awf
Life Imitates Art -- And So Do Patch Notes
Inspired by this
, I thought I'd take a moment to point out an instance of life imitating art today.
Here's the
, posted by
four days ago:
And an interesting announcement was made on the official site today...
Latest Site Updates!
We've got some tasty new site updates for you guys today!
Not only have we updated the
stat weighting
system for WotLK (finally!), but we've also reorganized the item filters, combined some item stats, changed the way the site deals with combat ratings, and added a brand new
Group By Slot
Check out all the details after the break!
Phat Lewtz Contest - Finished
Phase 3, Day 2 Winners Announced!
You should receive an email from us in the next 24 hours!
Contest Complete
Congratulations to all the winners, and thanks to everyone who participated for making the
such a success.
And stay tuned, because we just might have something else to give away for Christmas...
Phat Lewtz Contest - Phase 3, Day 2
Phase 3, Day 1 Winners Announced!
Please check your email for a congratulatory message from us!
This is day two of the third phase, and your
last chance to win
the grand prize! Today's prizes are two
The Red Bearon
cards (
), which will be given out at the end of the day. This is an epic mount! Don't miss your chance to be one of the lucky few to cruise into town riding this baby!
Check out how awesome this guy is:
for a full 3D view!
Read the contest details FIRST!
Then, post a comment here with the
most EPIC loot drop
you've ever gotten for a chance to win!
Note: As mentioned in the
PUGs Anonymous
I have a secret. I don’t share it very often, because it’s the sort of thing that gets me odd looks. This is the kind of secret about which teenagers scream to their parents, “You just don’t understand!” before slamming the doors to their rooms. I am going to share this secret with you.
Are you ready? Do you promise not to laugh?
Do you at least promise to keep reading after you’re
Okay. Here goes.
I like PUGs.
Phat Lewtz Contest - Phase 3
Phase 2, Day 2 Winners Announced!
– this post is especially awesome
– holy cow this one too
Please check your email for a congratulatory message from us!
Welcome to Phase 3!
This is day one of the
phase, and we finally get to give away the grand prize! Today's prizes are two
The Red Bearon
cards (
), which will be given out at the end of the day. This is an epic mount! Don't miss your chance to be one of the lucky few to cruise into town riding this baby!
Check out how awesome this guy is:
for a full 3D view!
Read the contest details FIRST!
Then, post a comment here with the most EPIC loot
It's Pronounced "Awe-tour"
First, a brief introduction to
Auteur Theory
The basic idea of this theory of film criticism is that a Director's personal vision can be seen in any film they create, and they are the primary author (auteur being french for “author”) of any such film. If you're curious about the theory, Google and Wikipedia can assist you with that, but lemme give a little example of it in action. (Thanks to Brian R. for the example)
How many of you know who directed “Reservoir Dogs”? A fair number, I imagine. How many of you know who directed “Finding Nemo”? My guess is virtually no one. “Reservoir Dogs”, during its entire run, grossed less than $3 million. “Finding Nemo” has grossed over $800 million worldwide.
Don't get me wrong, this isn't about the quality of the movies. They're both excellent movies, but Tarantino is a name you recognize, while even an animation buff like myself doesn't immediately recognize Andrew Stanton or Lee Unkrich.
How many of you know who Chris Metzen is?
Phat Lewtz Contest - Phase 2, Day 2
Phase 2, Day 1 Winners Announced!
Please check your email for a congratulatory message from us!
Day 2
This is day
of the second phase, and we have more cards for you! Today's prizes are two
cards (
), which will be given out at the end of the day. Stick around, because we have new
to give away tomorrow!
Read the contest details FIRST!
Then, post a comment here with the
most EPIC loot drop
you've ever gotten for a chance to win!
Note: As mentioned in the
contest rules
a comment on yesterday's blog post does NOT qualify you
for a chance to win today! You'll have to post again – but if you're feeling boring, we'll forgive you for posting the same story.
WoWInterface's Pick of the Week
Our Pick of the Week today is a new addon to arrange your buffs with, called
Keep reading to learn more about BuffHUD and to see a screenshot of it in action.
Wowhead Comic #4
has been sick and dying this weekend, but she STILL managed to find the time to create a comic!
So here you go all – a little fanservice just for you...