Looks worse than molten, unfortunately, but I like that they're doing it.
Retail is the only TRUE version of World of Warcraft. If we had a WoW Classic with vanilla content ONLY (and not all the tweaks and changes made to the different classic versions) then that would be all we will ever need. Unfortunately, the devs love to show the loyal WoW players how much they care by having tons of unique items that you can't get or use in real WoW. Just more distractions and lack of respect for real WoW.When you play any of the classic versions, you are saying you don't care about the real version of WoW post-vanilla and vanilla. After all these years, we still don't have a WoW Classic with vanilla content without any tweaks/changes to make it easier and faster. Yet you are all happy to spend time in versions of the game that don't even count as real WoW. It should be a true version of vanilla (which we never got) and retail. That is it. Everything else should be shut down and never come back.