Now the question is, will it be the same exact currency so we can stock up to 100 now, or different?
Does no one at WoWhead play season of discovery? We've just been linking old reddit posts.
It's crazy to me that Hand of Justice is not on the vendor, but Hand of Injustice is. I've lost 2 HoJ's, one of them I won but the tank 'accidentally' gave it to the rogue. Emp runs are such a pain in the butt and it gets worse every week as less non-melees need it, but more melees do need it. We need more bis dungeon items on the vendor, give us some fallback for bad RNG. Otherwise, the playerbase will dwindle even faster.
If this is just bracers and belt, to free up drops I think it'd be kind of cool. Also Will help our PVP brothers.
this has been known for over a week, your writers are getting lazy wowhead*inb4 the inevitable "esk right claw, emp demo, ironfoe, felstriker got nerfed by 85% post"
The article/Interview they link to, explicitly says 2 times over that "They will not sell Tier gear for Tarnished Undermine Real." and "Tier 1 will not be available for Tarnished Undermine Real in later Phases".So, very dumb source to quote as "They have talked about it being relevant in future phases", when it explicitly say that tier will not be a part of it.....They can change their mind ofc, they have done this on multiple fronts in SOD. But the same could be said about them using real in future phases at all.Its more likely that this require some kind of new currency that you maybe getting from raid bosses or the rumored Heroic dungeons, and this is just placeholder.
Makes sense in a way since we didn't get Tier 2 legs from Rag / Tier 2 Helmet from Onyxia
My bet is they add reals to drop from raid bosses and put some raid gear to the vendor like with emblems in tbc and wotlk.
Looks like placeholders, I don't think they want you to farm dungeons to acquire T2.