so-so card, to gain value from it, must copy 1\1 emperror or ysera\malygos\ragnaros + its need to use after you play ysera and co, so for good value it has to be played several turns after you gain 10 mana crystals. half-dead epic like recombobulator, but costs 5 mana
Sounds like a must for decks.
Copy a OP minion that's must survive one turn. TRASH
Seems like a good possible addition to a rogue C'Thun deck.
That seems really bad. And, it even has terrible stats for the cost. Can't really see this being played outside of gimmick deck
This could be good with cards like , , , and where the battlecry is worth more than the minion's (base) stats. And with , you'd get two copies of your target minion; on turn 10, you could play Bran, Shadowcaster, and both copies for a lot of potential value. (Obviously, you wouldn't want to play both copies of , but your opponent might just concede knowing that you have two 1-mana full heals in your hand.)
Combo enablers.. anyone?
I think looking at this as only good if you are copying a huge minion is missing the combo activation potential for rogue. 0- and 1-cost cards make activating combo cards that much easier. If you get to use Shadowcaster on a high value minion, great. If you end up using it on a cheaper minion, sure it's not the best case scenario, but you've got one extra tool for setting off Eviscerate, SI:7, etc.
I dont get the negative response on that card. It basically does what Volazj does for Priests, setting you up for the OTK. Imagine a control style based rogue with a Malygos out. Also if the 1/1 gets silenced it should get its stat back like the Volazj ones.
This is very strong with the new rogue legendary, and on curve, too.
Shadowcaster is going to be absolutely disgusting in C'thun decks. I love it!
What if u Brann Bronzebeard and have double Beards, can u get a battlecry to procc 4-6 times then, assuming we got 3 Beards on the Board? Lol would be Kappa.
Really high potential, great card.
There's also some great combo potential to use Shadowcaster on itself: After you play it once on Turn 5, you've got a 1-mana minion that creates another 1-mana minion. A few turns later, you can play it 6 times in a row and then play . Not bad!
Now we are about halfway of the new pack.
You can also play it on itself, then next turn play malygos with the 1 mana shadowcaster and the following turn you have a 1 mana maly and a bunch of spells. All you need in your hand is 2 of these and malygos. Seems gimmicky but potentially good.