To any Blizz dev for Cata Classic who reads this...NOT A SINGLE SOUL wants LFR in wow classic. do not do this.
Wrath era please....
I'd never touch LFR, but let's face it, yall wouldn't stop whining about your dungeon queuecraft until we got it forced on the rest of us, so Blizz might as well add LFR for the guys that want that too.Should add a queue system for quests too. Queue up, then it teleports you to the next quest item you need when it's your turn to loot it. Queue up again, teleports you back to the quest giver for the turn in. Queue again, bam, you're at the next quest giver. And so and so forth. Genius, I know.Fair is fair.
Wrath should have launched with RDF and Cata should launch with LFRBut god am I excited for SoD
They're really excited about dungeon difficulty? I can understand If they built a way to increase the difficulty level like what they did with alpha/beta/gamma runes but the baseline difficulty of the heroic dungeons needs to go DOWN. If they release as they did back in the day they're going to be harder than mythic 0s are in retail. LFD pugs are going to fall flat on their faces.
So can we still do BFD as 5man dungeon also? Its one of my favourites.
Isn't the crix the click bait youtube guy who tried to join a speed running guild for attention and then just quitWhy do we pretend to elevate random but highly unworthy people. Go get an interview from some other productive creator who's not as flaky for the community. Ofc this guy is around while it's "news" lmfao