this cant be real for shadow. ur saying that swp has a 2.5% chance per tick to make spirit tap happen that will increase periodic damage by 20%. not only that if they dont make the mind flay thing a rune its $%^&ing terrible in comparison
Looks like Holy Paladin's sticking to T1 then. On bright side easier to gear! :)
Oh no please don't increase starfall's range, it's already hard to use safely in dungeons unless everything is cleared. 25% more range just means I won't be able to use it 25% more >.<
Warr T1 6 pieces SET is so overpowered with +10%crit+dmg , that this T2 Set feels dumb.
Hmm. Restokin? GrossNah really dont want to heal in Boomy dawg, let me tree or why give me the rune
Surely you cannot be this out of touch with Holy Paladin gameplay.That set would be awful even if Hallowed Ground were a good rune (AKA raid wide, not group wide.) I'm genuinely going to be angry if I don't get to wear my Judgement set, because if this goes live as is I can guarantee that no Holy Paladin is replacing their T1 with it.
Please Blizzard, don't change the look of the T2 Pally set
Haha T2 war dps bonuses looks completely garbage compared to T1
These are all basically garbage tier except for maybe lock 6p. The fire mage tier might as well not exist unless they get rid of frostfire bolt and balefire bolt
T2 Guardian doesn't need help with aoe. There is not a world where we're stacking lacerate then spreading it with swipe. There's no reason. Swipe does more damage and it just gets spammed. Why does maul need to hit a 2nd target in a raid environment? Make single-target focused set bonuses. You really have no idea what you're doing.
Rogue T2 6p lol pvp :D
Are the bonuses for rogue dps set an early april fools?
Who allowed these people to cook tiersets all the paladin sets are actually useless
As a resto druid main I have to say, I'm &*!@ing pissed.They are doubling down on not using HoT's AT ALL for resto. Half my time in raid is already spamming nourish because the rest is ^&*!ing pointless. Maybe things change with a different raid with changing healing profiles, but *!@# ME IN THE ASS, resto feels dog@#$% to play right now. Give us HoT's can crit or SOMETHING to work with. You are adding non periodic crits to everything, just give us the @#$%ing hots can crit already. It is super fun running around with like 40% crit fully buffed, and being forced to spam nourish with living seed because it's just better than hotting people that will be topped by a priest/paladin otherwise. I don't contribute as resto druid with any meaningfull profile, and it &*!@ing sucks. Make Hot's great again or im leaving my resto druid in the !@#$ing dirt for my hpal.....
Blizzard please... U cant be real with the druid resto set... U realy want me to spec deep into balance with 6p Set? Ist this retail? All healer sets have bonus dmg perks... I want to Hot my Raid and dont Play a bad Boomie and klick Wildgrowth on cd -.-