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PSA: Don't Accept Code from Untrusted Sources - Player Loses 30k from WeakAura
30/12/2020 alle 20:33
A Classic player accepted a WeakAura from a person with whom he had been grouping only to discover, to his intense dismay, that in conjunction with an associated in-game mail, the WeakAura enabled his "friend" to steal all of his gold. Left destitute, with a loss to the tune of , the player later discovered that the WeakAura was actually from an impersonator and not his friend after all. What a harsh lesson...
Warning: Contains completely understandable profanity. You'd be mad too!
PSA: Folks, never ever accept WeakAuras or other code from sources that you don't trust
If someone wants to send you a WeakAura and they are not a long term friend or guild mate, ask for a link instead. While it looks like
WeakAuras has submitted a PR
to fix this issue, it's still a good policy to avoid opening links from sources you don't trust.
Learn from this streamer's mistake. Sympathies, dude.
For more information about WeakAuras, how they work, what they can do, and safe, trusted sources for them, check out our guide. Each of our class guides also has a WeakAuras section with recommendations for your specific class and spec.
WeakAuras Guide
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