Hi All,I’ve just updated the OP with the following:
- Cone of Cold is behaving consistently with the reference client.
- Arcane Missiles does not put the caster in combat .
- A Hunter’s Frost Trap ground effect will break Rogues out of stealth.
- The Berserking Troll racial ability is behaving as expected and matches the reference client.
- The pet that a Warlock has when initially logging into the game world does not restore a Soul Shard when dismissed by taking a flight path or moving out of range.
- The trigger range on Hunter’s traps are reduced by Stealth when the stealthed player is a similar or higher level than the Hunter.
- Soul Link cannot be dispelled by dispelling the Warlock’s pet.
- A Warlock’s Succubus pet cannot cast spells if they are out of line of sight of the target.
- Manually cancelling Stealth after using Vanish will remove the Vanish buff as well as the Stealth buff.
- Escape Artist has a very small chance to fail when used to escape an effect that has a decreased chance to be dispelled (e.g. a Rogue’s Vile Poisons talent).
- Rogues are not broken out of stealth by Blizzard until they take damage.
- Taunting Hunter pets that are set to Aggressive or Defensive mode will cause them to attack the taunting player.
I additionally modified the wording on the following to be a bit more clear:
- “Melee leeway” is working as intended in both PvE and PvP.