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Tech Cards: Infested Tauren
One of the main problems with N'Zoth is that you want the minions it resurrects to be valuable. And you most certainly do not want it overfilling your board such that you miss out on a very important card like Sylvanas. So knowing exactly what to put in can be a challenge. and , while solid in their own right, really aren't all that great on Turn 10 or later. And excluding class cards, they're among the few you're really ever going to consider. But is often overlooked, so let's take some time to break it down.
Old Gods Card Reveal: Ravaging Ghoul, Mire Keeper, Hammer of Twilight, Yogg Saron Artwork
Our friends at the Well Met! Podcast have revealed a new Warrior card: Ravaging Ghoul! While the Americas Hearthstone account hasn't updated their banner yet, another has posted the art for our final remaining old god: Yogg Saron!
Reynad Reveals Hearthstone Old Gods Card - Cabalist's Tome, Blizzard Posts Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound
The latest victor of the card reveal voting season was Reynad and today he's revealed a new Epic Mage spell! Blizzard has also released details on how Y'Shaarj will appear in Hearthstone!
Old Gods Paladin Card Revealed - Steward of Darkshire, Skeram Cultist
To kick things off for the day, Lothar has revealed a new Paladin cards that fans will love!
Old Gods Card Reveal: Corrupted King Mukla, Cult Apothecary, Y'Shaarj Art, Vote Teasers Leaked
Today is set to be a busy day for Whispers of the Old Gods card reveals! On the docket we have Millenium, ChanmanV, and Tom (who came in last place during
last week's voting
While we don't know much, we do know that Millenium has teased their card which looks to be a corrupted version of ! Stay tuned for more details, we'll continue to update this post throughout the day.
Hearthstone Championship Tour Stream Reveals Infest, IGN Posts Ragnaros, Lightlord
As has become the norm during this winter's Hearthstone Championship Tour, Blizzard proceeded the final series with a
Whispers of the Old Gods
card reveal. Despite the fact that it takes place in on the official set in California, due to the competition's Asia-Pacific competitors, the stream started very late at 9 PM PDT.
Old Gods Card Reveal: Xaril, Poisoned Mind & Tentacles for Arms
Hearthpwn has revealed the Rogue legendary for Whispers of the Old Gods! He's a cheaper minion that grants you special Toxin cards as a Battlecry and Deathrattle. Also new is a new Warrior weapon that leaves, well, a lot to be desired.
Hearthstone - Old Gods Card Reveal: N'Zoth's First Mate, Faceless Shambler
Razer has unveiled
another 1/1 minion related to N'Zoth
, this time for Warriors! Is this its theme? Similar to how C'Thun has cultists that buff itself?
Hearthstone Old Gods Card Reveal: Forbidden Flame, Forbidden Shaping & Forbidden Healing
Three new Hearthstone cards from the upcoming
Whispers of the Old Gods
set have been revealed:
Three zero mana cost spells
for Priests, Paladins and Mages.
New The Old Gods Reveal: Klaxxi Amber-Weaver, Ancient Shieldbearer
has revealed a new Druid Card named that benefits from a buffed ! This card has the base stats of a with a
that will only benefit the Druid if C'Thun has enough attack!
Deck Recipes Now Live - All of the Decklists
Deck recipes have been released in today's patch. Each class gets three deck recipes: one recipe consists of only Classic and Basic cards, while the other two are more advanced. If you don't want to use a deck recipe, you can always just create your own custom deck.
Whispers of the Old Gods Card Reveal: Corrupted Hogger, Eater of Secrets, & More
We take a look at four of the latest revealed Whispers of the Old Gods cards including a legendary, a neutral, and two class cards.
Fullas Games Animates Beyond Legendary and Golden Legendary Cards
We've probably watched this video by Fullas Games more times that we'd like to admit. Known for creating custom animations, the channel decided to tackle a few "Beyond Legendary" cards. You may have heard of them before around the Hearthstone community, they center around the idea of being rarer than Legendary with the difference being the card art itself pops out from the usual oval area dedicated to housing it.
Top Ten Cards To Craft For New Players
Late last week we mentioned the fact that Hearthstone now has more than 700 official cards. That's a lot for new players to take in at once and it's even harder to know what cards are good and what aren't until you've actually gotten your hands on them. We have ten neutral recommendations that are sure to fit in most decks you'll be making.
Noxious Attempts to Balance the Most Broken Cards in Hearthstone
What are the most broken cards in all of Hearthstone? , , and . Despite the fact that there are now more than 700 official cards, chances are those are the first three that came to your mind. And while no one isn't arguing that they aren't the best drops given the mana cost, but there will always be a conversation as to whether or not Blizzard should go as far as to nerf them. Complexity's Noxious attempts to balance them all.
Top 5 Custom Cards - Week 1: Trueheart Shaman, Priest Taskmaster, & More
People have long been creating custom cards for various card games. Hearthstone is no exception and you'll find examples of it throughout the Internet. One such hub is the
CustomHearthstone subreddit
which houses a place for those creators to come together and discuss their ideas. This week's cards include one user's take on what a better upgraded would generate and a Priest version of .
Hearthhead 2015: Hearthstone Cards of the Year
The year of 2015 was filled to the brim with Hearthstone content. From the launch of the game on Android and iOS, to the revelation of Tavern Brawls, alternate heroes, and much more. Two adventures and one expansion released in Blackrock Mountain, League of Explorers, and The Grand Tournament, respectively, totaling more than 200 new cards. And with the dawn of Winter Veil the year is ready to come to a close. But looking back, only one card can stand out as the best. We spoke with a bunch of professional players, streamers, and personalities to select their top three out of our field of nominees. They are as follows:
Hearthstone Build 9786 - The Grand Tournament
Hearthstone has updated their data containing all 132 The Grand Tournament Cards, their flavor text and more!
New Tavern Brawl Backgrounds
6 new Tavern Brawl backgrounds have been added.
New Daily Quests
A few new daily quests have been added:
Everybody! Get in here!
Druid Victory
Hunter Victory
Mage Victory
Paladin Victory
Priest Victory
Rogue Victory
Shaman Victory
Warlock Victory
Warrior Victory
132 Grand Tournament Cards
With all 132 Grand Tournament cards officially in the data, we now have flavor text for each TGT card! We like and , which are your favorites?
Click here
to view the new flavor text.
Inspire Mechanic
The Inspire Mechanic and Keyword have been added to the database.
Click here
to see all the cards with Inspire!
Added GLOBAL_KEYWORD_INSPIRE_TEXT: "Does something after you use your Hero Power."
Ranked Reward Strings
As promised, the rewards for Ranked Play are included in this patch. Depending on your rank there are multiple chests available.
Added GLOBAL_REWARD_CHEST_INSTRUCTIONS: "Open your chest at the end of the season.\nImprove your rank to upgrade your chest!"
Added GLOBAL_REWARD_CHEST_TIER1: "Sea Giant's Treasure"
Added GLOBAL_REWARD_CHEST_TIER1_EARNED: "You have earned the Sea Giant's Treasure!"
Added GLOBAL_REWARD_CHEST_TIER2: "Ogre Magi's Stash"
Added GLOBAL_REWARD_CHEST_TIER2_EARNED: "You have earned the Ogre Magi's Stash!"
Added GLOBAL_REWARD_CHEST_TIER3: "Guardian's Chest"
Added GLOBAL_REWARD_CHEST_TIER3_EARNED: "You have earned the Guardian's Chest!"
Added GLOBAL_REWARD_CHEST_TIER4: "Shieldbearer's Footlocker"
Added GLOBAL_REWARD_CHEST_TIER4_EARNED: "You have earned the Shieldbearer's Footlocker!"
Added GLUE_QUEST_LOG_CHEST_TOOLTIP_BODY: "Open your chest at the end of the season. Improve your rank to upgrade your chest!"
Added GLUE_QUEST_LOG_CHEST_TOOLTIP_BODY_NO_CHEST: "Reach Rank 20 and you'll be rewarded with a chest containing prizes at the end of the season!"
Added GLUE_QUEST_LOG_NO_CHEST: "No Chest Yet!"
Mission Audio Strings
These strings are listed under MISSION_AUDIO but contain interesting keywords such as "both" and "together." Could this be for a co-op story mode?
Added VO_HRW_TEST_00: "I will cleanse you both of the Curse of Flesh!"
Added VO_HRW_TEST_01: "Well done! You've defeated the boss together.\n\nBoth players win!"
Added VO_HRW_TEST_02: "Defeat Gearmaster Mechazod together to win!"
Added VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_00: "Damaging a hero."
Added VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_01: "Destroying highest attack minion."
Added VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_02: "Throwing 3 bombs."
Added VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_03: "Damaging all other characters."
Added VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_04: "Gaining 2 attack."
Added VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_05: "Dealing damage to both heroes."
Added VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_06: "Silencing Lorewalker Cho. Permanently."
Added VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_98: "Target board full. Clearing target board."
Added VO_TIRION_INTRO_03: "Which of our valiant knights will be named Champion today?"
For the full build, check out the full article.
All The Grand Tournament Cards Revealed
The remaining TGT cards have been revealed on Facebook and on the Hearthstone stream! Click one of the links below to view that set of cards.
We now have all 132 cards in
our database
. With all the cards revealed, you can now start theorycrafting using our
Table of Contents
Facebook Reveals
First Reveal
Second Reveal
Third Reveal
Stream Reveals
Neutral Cards
Shaman and Rogue
Warrior and Priest
Mage and Druid
Hunter and Paladin
New Card Reveals, The Grand Summoner Competition Tavern Brawl
New Card Reveals
has revealed on his stream!
Blizzard Taiwan has revealed .
Hearthstone Players
has translated the card and it includes a unique counter to the Demon tribe.
Zeriyah has revealed the English name to be Light's Champion!
In addition, the latest vote on The Grand Tournament website has finished revealing the legendaries and Rhonin and Varian.
There will be no more votes for The Grand Tournament Reveals as this set of Legendaries was the final vote.
The Grand Summoner Competition
This week's Tavern Brawl is a repeat: The Grand Summoner Competition. It was a favourite among the community and it has been brought back! Don't forget to create and share your decks in our
deck builder