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Tier 2 Set Items Found on Real Vendor - Season of Discovery Phase 5 PTR
il y a 10 jours
Since its introduction with Phase 4 of Season of Discovery, Tarnished Undermine Real has been a popular currency. Earned from Level 55+ dungeon bosses once per day, it has provided a good way to keep content relevant while offering a spot of bad luck protection.
Tarnished Undermine Real in Season of Discovery
Throughout Phase 4, this currency has been capped at . However, on the Season of Discovery Phase 5 PTR, eagle-eyed players have noticed a new addition to the vendor, which costs - higher than the current cap.
As is always the case with the PTR, this might just be a placeholder item or a placeholder cost. However, it does sound likely that the cap will be increasing and some new items will be added. In July, developers noted that Tarnished Undermine Real would potentially continue to be used during an
interview with content creator, Ebonhardt
Are you saving your Tarnished Undermine Reals for Phase 5? If so what are you hoping to be able to purchase with them? Let us know in the comments below!
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