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Thème Classic
Thème Thottbot
Possible Thunderfury-Themed Cloak on Season of Discovery PTR
il y a 9 jours
When Blackwing Lair opens on Season of Discovery, players can finally complete
Lame-tonnerre, épée bénie du Cherchevent
! While Blizzard previously announced that
Thunderfury itself would not be changed
as it's too iconic, there might be a fun bonus item in store for players!
Phase 5 datamining added
Drapé du seigneur des Vents
, referencing
Prince Thunderaan
. The model for this cloak resembles what the prince himself wears during the Thunderfury encounter in Silithus.
Prince Thunderaan
only became the new Windlord in Cataclysm, as Al'Akir's successor--does the presence of this cape mean we could be getting a new twist on Classic Era lore?
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