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New Weapon Models Datamined - Season of Discovery Phase 5 PTR
il y a 13 jours
During our continued datamining, we uncovered several interesting, new, and odd models on the Season of Discovery Phase 5 PTR! These might not all end up making it to the live version of the game, but they still make for some interesting models.
Upcoming new item spoilers!
Rage-Tempête, sabre sanctifié du Chasse-Bourrasque
This looks to be the bottom half of
Lame-tonnerre, épée bénie du Cherchevent
, with an accurate size too.
Glaive de Geddon
This Polearm looks to be an entirely new model, reusing familiar aesthetics from weapons like the
Aiguillon de grand seigneur de guerre
Membre qiraji cristallisé
While very similar to a lot of loot from Ahn'Qiraj, this model seems to be entirely new.
A more rounded and significantly more ornate variant of the
Réconfort de Mur-Céleste
A recolored and flattened variant of
Marteau-tempête ouvragé
, only looks like something that would be thrown by a dwarf from the back of a Gryphon.
A repeat of
Croc de Korialstrasz
, this time potentially aimed at melee players.
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