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Thème Classic
Thème Thottbot
Hardcore Allstars Community Event - Classic Era
07/03/2023 à 15:18
Hardcore Allstars is an eleven week long event taking place on WoW Classic Era realms, within the hardcore community. On March 11, 2023, the first World Tour Circuit will take place, where teams will compete in a speed run through multiple dungeons, where any death means they must delete their character. To learn more about the event, join the
Hardcore Allstars Discord Server
Hardcore Allstars Trailer
Hardcore Allstars World Tour Circuit - March 11, 2023
On March 11, 2023, the Hardcore Allstars Event will host its first World Tour Circuit on
Sarthe's Twitch Channel
. This Circuit will have teams of level 22 characters speed running through Wailing Caverns, Deadmines, Shadowfang Keep, and Blackfathom Deeps.
Hardcore Allstars World Tour Rules and Information
If you're interested in the event rules and information, or possibly looking to join the event while its still running (you can still join, by the way), here is a quick rundown of the Hardcore Allstars World Tour Circuit --
Teams may register with up to 6 players via
this form
. A player may not be registered to more than one team. A team may not field more than one of any class during World Tour events.
Players may begin leveling characters for the World Tour starting Monday, February 27. All World Tour characters must be played on Bloodsail Buccaneers (NA) or Hydraxian Waterlords (EU). Players must level solo and adhere to the established
Hardcore ruleset
For each World Tour Circuit, teams must start at a dungeon Meeting Stone of their choice. Once the Circuit begins, teams must kill all required bosses and trash mobs for each dungeon, tracked via a custom Weak Aura currently in production.
Teams can substitute in their 6th player between any dungeon. While players can level up back up alts, players can't use their back up characters to sub if they died in the same circuit.
During each World Tour Circuit, teams may only complete quests marked in their quest logs as “Dungeon Quests,” and those quests must correspond to the dungeons being completed in that day’s Circuit.
All participants must record each World Tour Circuit in full, and at least one person from each team must live stream each World Tour Circuit. Players who chose to not stream must instead provide links for unlisted YouTube videos of each Circuit recording.
More detailed rules are available on the
Hardcore Allstars Discord Server
, along with information related to each World Tour Circuit.
Hardcore Allstars Event Calendar
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