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Blackwing Lair Scaling Difficulty System on Season of Discovery Phase 5 PTR
il y a 12 jours
The Season of Discovery PTR is underway, and players testing Blackwing Lair have discovered a potential scaling difficulty system, similar to Heat Levels in Molten Core!
The Molten Core heat levels impacted difficulty, however turning up the heat in reality meant turning up the fire resistance. In Blackwing Lair, however, things look more interesting with additional mechanics being introduced.
While we are still early in the Phase 5 testing, it appears that players can choose which trials (if any) to have active in their raid. While we don't yet know what rewards the increased difficulty will give, we can speculate that it will likely be increased loot and cosmetics rewards similar to Molten Core Heat Levels.
What do you think of scaling difficulty coming to Blackwing Lair in Season of Discovery Phase 5? What do you think the rewards will be for completing these Trials? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!
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