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Feuerlande-Raid jetzt auf dem Cataclysm Classic PTR testbar
Der Feuerlande-Raid steht jetzt auf dem Cataclysm Classic PTR zum Testen verfügbar! Es ist geplant, den Raid das ganze Wochenende bis Montag, den 16. September, zu testen.
Erntedankfest ab sofort in der Saison der Entdeckungen aktiv!
Das Erntedankfest ist eine kleine Feier zu Ehren der gefallenen Helden der Horde und der Allianz. In der Saison der Entdeckungen wird dieses Event vom 13. September bis zum 20. September stattfinden.
Erntedankfest ab sofort bis zum 20. September aktiv - Cataclysm Classic
ist eine kleine Feier zu Ehren der Gefallenen Helden der Horde und der Allianz. Dieses Jahr findet das Fest in Cataclysm Classic vom 13. bis 20. September statt.
Warcraft Logs Reports 11 Million Ulduar Characters in China's Wrath of the Lich King Classic
, the creator of
Warcraft Logs
, recently shared that there have been a staggering 11 million characters with Ulduar logs on Chinese servers for Wrath of the Lich King Classic.
Firelands Embers Used to Purchase Elemental Essences - Season of Discovery Phase 5 PTR
Players have discovered that they can use Firelands Embers to purchase Blood of the Mountain and Essences on the Season of Discovery Phase 5 PTR!
Emerald Wardens Sell New Items - Season of Discovery Phase 5 PTR
In the Season of Discovery Phase 5 PTR, players have found the Emerald Wardens selling new items that provide Herbalism and Enchanting materials!
Shaman-Exclusive Item Found on Season of Discovery Phase 5 PTR
The Season of Discovery Phase 5 PTR is underway and we have been intrigued by this Shaman-exclusive item that can only be used within Blackrock Mountain!
Cataclysm Classic Patch 4.4.1 - Rage of the Firelands PTR Now Live!
The Cataclysm Classic Patch 4.4.1 - Rage of The Firelands PTR is now available for testing! This phase of testing will be primarily focused on The Molten Front Daily Quest Hub.
Fan-Favorite Companion Could Make Surprise Appearance in Season of Discovery
As the Season of Discovery Phase 5 datamining continues, a lone Whistle has been found that could indicate the introduction of a fan-favorite Pet!
Tier 2 Set Items Found on Real Vendor - Season of Discovery Phase 5 PTR
On the Season of Discovery Phase 5 PTR, players have discovered Tier 2 Set items being sold on the Tarnished Undermine Real Vendor!
New Armor Affixes Found on Season of Discovery Phase 5 PTR
With the Season of Discovery Phase 5 PTR available for testing, we have datamined some interesting affixes coming to Blackwing Lair's Tier 2 set items.
Blackwing Lair Scaling Difficulty System on Season of Discovery Phase 5 PTR
The Season of Discovery PTR is underway, and players testing Blackwing Lair have discovered a potential scaling difficulty system, similar to Heat Levels in Molten Core!
Horn of Lordaeron to Return in Season of Discovery
Alliance players on Season of Discovery may be happy to hear that the Phase 5 PTR includes the Horn of Lordaeron, which now looks to be a baseline for Paladins!
Pechschwingenhort- & Zul'Gurub-Raids jetzt auf dem PTR verfügbar - Saison der Entdeckungen
Die Saison der Entdeckungen Phase 5-Raids Pechschwingenhort und Zul'Gurub können jetzt auf dem PTR getestet werden!
How to Earn the Amani Battle Bear in Cataclysm Classic
With Phase 2 of Cataclysm Classic now underway, it has brought with it a rather unique mount, the
Kampfbär der Amani
! While this mount is new and unique, it is similar to the
Kriegsbär der Amani
that players could in The Burning Crusade Classic, but is now unobtainable.
Don't Miss These 'Rise of the Zandalari' Questline Rewards in Cataclysm Classic
Cataclysm Classic Phase Two is now live, and with it comes a new quest chain for players to complete, The Rise of the Zandalari! Aside from the lore, there are several reasons to complete this chain, including
Zerlumpter Beutel aus Hexerstoff
Unique 'Molten' Weapons Exclusive to Molten Core Heat Level 3 - Season of Discovery
Season of Discovery Phase 4 is underway and now that Molten Core is finally available, we're taking a close look at some of the cosmetic rewards that players can receive by completing Heat Level 3!
How to Obtain the Panther Cub Pet in Cataclysm Classic Phase 2
With the release of Cataclysm Classic Phase 2, players now have access to the
pet! This pet can be earned by following a quest that leads into Zul'Gurub.
Exclusive Developer Interview With Hammerdance - Runes, Raids, & Classic+
World of Warcraft Classic content creator,
, interviewed WoW Classic Senior Game Producer, Josh Greenfield, and Assistant Lead Classic Designer, Tim Jones, where they discussed Runes, Raids, and the future of Classic!
How Warriors Can Earn a Free 16-Slot Bag in Season of Discovery
One of the biggest challenges in Classic World of Warcraft can be managing your bag space and Season of Discovery has been no different. So Warriors will be pleased to note, that they can get one free 16-slot bag in Phase 4.