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Horn of Lordaeron to Return in Season of Discovery
vor 7 tagen
Faction Balance on Season of Discovery is always a hot topic, but Alliance players may be happy to hear that on the Phase 5 PTR, the Horn of Lordaeron is not only back, but now looks to be baseline for Paladins!
Horn of Lordaeron was originally introduced in Phase 1 of Season of Discovery as a rune, believed to be intended to provide Alliance with an alternative to the Horde Shaman Totems, such as,
Totem der Erdstärke
. As a rune, the uptake of this ability was often Holy Paladins only and was eventually removed in a later phase.
Upon its return, the Horn of Lordaeron appears available for all Paladins to learn, however, it has a 2-minute duration and will not stack with
Segen der Macht
. This buff has its upsides and downsides as discussed in a
recent thread on r/classicwow
Is this a good change for Faction Balance in Season of Discovery? Let us know your thoughts on this one in the comments below!
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