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[A Disarming Distraction]
[Core Access Codes]

[A Disarming Distraction]

[Disarm the First, Second and Third Bomb Clusters and deactivate 4 Unstable Bomb Bots at the Tomb of the Sun King.]
[First Bomb Cluster disarmed] (1)
[Second Bomb Cluster disarmed] (1)
[Third Bomb Cluster disarmed] (1)
[Unstable Bomb Bot deactivated] (4)
Прилагается предмет:
Голографический проектор (1)


[The curse has taken over the expedition members' higher brain functions, but my calculations reveal their suppressed adolescent subconscious can still be stimulated by realistic imagery.

Utilize this holo-projector to distract them.

They are currently setting up explosives at the tomb to the east to attempt to gain access to secret passages in Uldum.

They seek dangerous re-origination technology beneath Uldum and must be stopped.]


Вам дадут возможность выбрать одну из следующих наград:
Захваты мозгогнили Ботфорты звездного обелиска
Бригантина проклятой гробницы
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Введите эту строку в чат, чтобы узнать ваш прогресс:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(27761))

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