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[The Battle of Darrowshire]

[The Battle of Darrowshire]

[Place the Relic Bundle at the Darrowshire town square.

Prevent Davil Lightfire's death until the death of Horgus.

Prevent Captain Redpath's death until Redpath the Corrupted appears.

Defeat Redpath the Corrupted.

Speak with the spirit of Joseph Redpath when he appears at the town square.]
[Accept Redpath's Forgiveness] (1)
Прилагается предмет:
Сверток с реликвиями (1)


[Now, <имя>, you will take part in battle of Darrowshire, and you will save Joseph Redpath.

Place this relic bundle in the Darrowshire town square, and the spirits of Darrowshire will rise. Join their battle and assure that these two things come to pass: Davil must survive beyond the death of Horgus, and Redpath must survive to be corrupted, then defeated.

After defeating the corrupted Redpath, his spirit will be saved. Speak with him, then return to his daughter Pamela.]


Вам дадут возможность выбрать одну из следующих наград:
Плащ возвращения домой Кираса с добрым характером
Наплечье Дарроушира
Вы также получите:
Сладкий чай

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Введите эту строку в чат, чтобы узнать ваш прогресс:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(27390))

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