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[Even Thieves Get Hungry]

[Recover 3 Horde Infantry Rations. Deliver them to Marogg in Orgrimmar.]
Пайки ордынских пехотинцев (3)


[We have had a problem with thieves stealing our infantry rations here in Orgrimmar for the last couple of weeks. I recently received some intelligence of where these crimes are taking place. Anywhere you see piles of crates and supplies, there are likely to be thieves nearby. I need you to hunt these thieves down and recover the stolen rations. Return to me when you are done.]


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Награда шеф-повара

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Введите эту строку в чат, чтобы узнать ваш прогресс:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(26235))

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