Quick Facts

Kor'kron Drop

Get a Crushblow Wind Rider squad from Jon-Jon Jellyneck and then escort them to the drop off point in the Twilight Gate.
Get wind rider squad (1)
Kor'kron dropped off (1)


Garona and a detachment of the Kor'kron are here to assist us with operations up top in the Twilight Citadel. I need you to escort them there.

I've called upon a local tribe of trolls to give us a lift in with their wind riders. The assassins have some things that they need to do down in the Twilight Gate area first, though.

Speak with the troll chief, Jon-Jon Jellyneck and get yourself a detachment of Kor'kron to drop off. You'll fly them in. A big red X marks the spot.


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(27491))

