Guia Rápido
Capturas de tela

[Slap and Cap]

[Slap 7 Panicked Workers to make them cap the oil gushers.]
[Panicking Worker slapped] (7)


[Oh for... not again! If you heard the deputy yelling out there, that means we've got a fullblown oil leak on our hands! It's those filthy worgen again!

Listen, it's going to be total chaos out there. Sleep-deprived goblins running around screaming and not knowing what to do. I need you to snap the workers back to their senses.

A good, swift backhand across the face should do it! Once they shake themselves off, they'll get to work capping those gushers!]


Você vai poder escolher uma dessas recompensas:
Sapatilhas Oleosas Perneiras do Poço de Petróleo
Couraça da Força de Trabalho Manto da Privação de Sono
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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(28336))

