Guia Rápido
Capturas de tela

[Orcs and Humans]

[Slay 8 Stonard Warriors.]
[Stonard Warrior] morto (8)


[With war raging across the entire world, the last thing we need is a Horde settlement right in our backyard. Redridge, Duskwood, even Elwynn itself are all a day's march from here.

We've made the first strike, and I don't plan to give the Horde a chance to catch their breath. So consider yourself deployed. Grab a weapon, join the rest of the troops out in the Bloodmire, and start killing orcs.

Report back here after you've done some damage. I want you back alive...and that's an order. Dismissed!]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(27821))

