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[No Tanks!]

[Use the Techno-Grenade to destroy 5 Repaired Mechano-Tanks at Crushcog's Arsenal.]
[Repaired Mechano-Tanks destroyed] (5)
Item fornecido:
Tecno-granada (1)


[We've lost more than a couple scouts trying to find out what exactly Razlo Crushcog plans to do with all those mechano-tanks his irradiated technicians are repairing.

We can't afford to take it slowly anymore. We must act before Crushcog turns his followers and his weapons on us.

This techno-grenade packs enough explosive power to destroy the mechano-tanks and deny Crushcog their use. Take it north with you along the road to Crushcog's Arsenal and take out those tanks!]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(26333))

