Guia Rápido
Capturas de tela


[Collect Gargantapid's Stinger.]
Glândula de Veneno de Giganpídeo (1)


[No! It didn't work! I don't know what to do, unless...

Oh gosh, it's worse than I thought! She must've been stung by the one lurking in the cave. I saw it the first night we arrived. Claws the size of a goblin. A tail as tall as a tree! We shared hushed whispers of it around the campfire... we called it... GARGANTAPID!

...hey, are you laughing? Stop that! This is serious! Chelsea's life is on the line! Please, I'll make it worth your while...just bring me Gargantapid's poison gland!]


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Pesadelo de Tchella Botas Kaiferrugem
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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(25522))

