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[Ignoring the Warnings]

[Destroy 12 Warring Elementals. You may slay either Furious Earthguards or Teeming Waterguards.]
[Warring Elemental slain] (12)


[Ignore the shaman, soldier. Certain powers-that-be within the Horde demand that I keep him with me, but I assure you, that Thrall-loving farseer truly sees no farther than the borders of this hut.

Elementals war against one another to the west of here. I normally wouldn't mind, but I need that land clear to secure a broader shipping route to and from the Barrens. The elementals are normally quite strong, but they are weakened by their attacks against one another. Use this knowledge to destroy them.]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(25206))

