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[Stunning View]

[Vereth the Cunning at the Rise of Suffering wants you to use a Lithe Stalker's heave ability to destroy 12 sleeping Iceskin Sentries.]
[Iceskin Sentry destroyed] (12)


[Gargoyles make effective scouts and can be deadly if left to rain attacks from the air, but they have a very obvious weakness. Most of them have to go through long periods resting as stone to maintain the energy they need to carry their heavy bodies through the air.

As I peered through the eye you were using, I noticed dozens of iceskin sentries resting on the eastern and southern walls inside. Use the stalker to leap up to their ledges and devastate them while they sleep.]


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Emblema de Heroísmo


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(13160))

