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[Now, When I Grow Up...]

[Take your orphan, Salandria, to see the Elite Tauren Chieftain in Silvermoon City's Walk of Elders. Make sure to call for her if she is not present when you arrive. ]


[Take Salandria to visit the Elite Tauren Chieftain in Silvermoon City.] (1)
Item fornecido:
Apito de Órfã Elfa Sangrenta (1)


[Maybe I already asked you this, but when you were my age did you know that you wanted to be a <class> when you grew up?

I'm not sure what I want to be. Maybe a mage or a warlock or a Blood Knight, like I said before? Or maybe... A rock star!! Like Sig Nicious, the blood elf, in the Elite Tauren Chieftain!

I heard that when they aren't touring, they hang out in Silvermoon City! They just sit on a balcony in the Walk of Elders waiting for people to stop by.

Please take me there. Please!]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(11975))

