female dwarf paladin cry kids in 5...
remove the 2 aoe fights so we can see some real numbers..
SoD = Season of Dispel/Decurse
SOD has literally no balancing at all. There are classes, that are just better than others in every aspect of the game. Rogue is top DPS, top PVP and on top of that can also Tank. Warrior on the other hand is mediocre DPS, bad at pvp, hard to keep aggro with at tanking. Why would you play Warrior over Rogue right now other than personal preference. They need to bring some sort of balancing to this game man.
hunters need another nerf
classic players realizing vanilla systems have horrible balance after 25 years
team is very hard at work lol
What is a Survival Hunter?
Hot Take: World Buffs no longer get removed by death, can be chronobooned, cannot be dispelled but get removed even from a chronoboon if you get the deserter debuff. Pros:1. People no longer need to worry about saving world buffs in raids for later bosses except based on time constraints2. Punishes people for abandoning bg's. I get that it's a little random
As an arms warrior I hate blizzard right now
Oh melee hunter, how we have fallen. Remember when they didn't want to nerf classes? But almost every single week melee hunters were nerfed, and they are STILL nerfing melee hunter to this day.
Please nerf enhance shaman.