간단 정보

[Shining Through the Dark]

[Use Alexstrasza's Tear within the hollow beneath the Obsidian Tree.]
[Alexstrasza's Tear planted] (1)
제공된 아이템:
알렉스트라자의 눈물 (1)


[The great petrified tree that lies before us to the south was once a beacon of great life. Our beacon. We lost this forest to the black flight, and it has since been corrupted and petrified. Nearly unredeemable.

But all is not without hope. I've brought a powerful tool to begin the healing process. The tree may still be saved, with much time and fortune, and with perhaps a little effort from you.

Bring this, Alexstrasza's Tear, and use it within the hollowed heart of the tree.]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(28175))

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