
Never Again!

Questa missione non è più disponibile nel gioco.
Kill Gorgannon and Diathorus the Seeker, and then return to Vindicator Vedaar at Forest Song in Ashenvale.
Gorgannon's Flaming Blade (1)
Seeker's Fel Spear (1)


<name>, it falls to you to see that this attack by the Burning Legion never comes to pass. You must go and slay their leaders. Without them the rest of the demons are essentially mindless.

You will find Gorgannon in Demon Fall Canyon south beyond Felfire Hill, near Mannoroth's floating, broken spear.

Diathorus the Seeker resides somewhere in the barrow den atop Demon Fall Ridge. To find the ridge, look for a ramp up from Demon Fall Canyon near the Horde's monument to Grom Hellscream.



Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Band of Argas Seal of Argas
Signet of Argas
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Puoi controllare se l'hai già completato digitando:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(9522))

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