
[Do My Eyes Deceive Me?]

[Kill Beauty.]
[Beauty] ucciso (1)


[<Pip's helm explodes with the sound of a loud girlish scream.>

IT CAN'T BE! I... I was stuck inside one of those beasts for the better part of a month. Yes, literally stuck inside its stomach. If it weren't for my suit and the all-purpose helm I'd have died a fiery death! And look at that, it's had a litter of pups!

Y... You gotta stop that thing, <name>! We can't let it or its pups make it out of here alive!]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Finkle's Twinkle Beauty's Cootie-Ridden Blankie
Beauty Jr.'s Collar
Il seguente incantesimo sarà gettato su di voi:
Update Player Phase/Auras
Riceverai anche:
Beauty Jr.'s Collar Beauty's Cootie-Ridden Blankie
Finkle's Twinkle


Al completamento di questa missione otterrai:
Puoi controllare se l'hai già completato digitando:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(28740))

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