
[The Heart of the Matter]

[Collect 12 Beating Yeti Hearts.]
Beating Yeti Heart (12)


[The magus has been idle for far too long and an idle magus often leads to poorly thought out schemes. This time I am charged with collecting various beast organs in order to power some type of control rod. I am far too frail to go out hunting beasts - especially yetis!

Perhaps if I were to offer you a reward of some kind you would do it? All I need is for you to head west to the yeti caves and kill yetis. Rip their still beating hearts from their chests and bring them back here.]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Tell-Tale Bracers Supple Yeti Leggings
Bel'varil's Armbands
Riceverai anche:
Yetichoke Hearts


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