
[Plush Pelts]

[Obtain 4 Supple Tiger Furs and 4 Velvety Panther Furs.]
Supple Tigress Fur (4)
Velvety Panther Fur (4)


[Hi, I'm the town merchant! And Bronwyn's my dad!

Sorry, I shouldn't get too excited. Father says it's not professional.

Anyhow, people always come to me asking for heavy leather, or rough hides, but I think they might also like it if I had some soft materials... like tiger fur! Think you could get some for me?

You'll find a few panthers nearby, but if you want to see the big tigers, you'll have to go northwest from here... north of that big troll arena.]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Fuzzy Legwarmers Velvety Vest
Supple Gloves Hambone's Spare Collar
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