
[Diplomacy By Another Means]

[Take the Horn of Challenge to the Bristleback Challenge Ring in Southern Barrens. Blow the horn to challenge Sabersnout and kill him.]
[Sabersnout] ucciso (1)
Horn of Challenge (Fornito) (1)


[I have not forgotten my brush with death at the hands of the quilboar in that filthy jungle. The General here has ordered some tactical strikes, but he stops short of genocide. I have no such qualms.

Take this horn that I 'borrowed' during my negotiations. Blow the horn within the Bristleback challenge ring west of our position - you can't miss it. I want you to challenge the champion of the Bristleback, Sabersnout, to single combat. His death in front of his followers will leave them in utter chaos.]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Boarpocalypse Boots Sabersnout's Cloak
Bristleback Challenge Ring
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