
Zeth'Gor Must Burn!

Use the smoke beacon at each of Zeth'Gor's towers, and then return to Wing Commander Dabir'ee at Expedition Point.
Northern Tower Marked (1)
Southern Tower Marked (1)
Forge Tower Marked (1)
Foothill Tower Marked (1)
Articolo Fornito:
Smoke Beacon (1)


It's time to strike Zeth'Gor from the air! Our gryphon riders are ready for a sortie, <name>. But they need someone on the ground to direct their fire. Are you ready for a covert mission?

Take these smoke beacons into Zeth'Gor, the Bleeding Hollow stronghold to the west. They have four guard towers: one near their northern wall, one near their southern wall, one near their forge and another nestled in their foothills. Place a beacon underneath each of the towers and we'll fly in and bomb them!




Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Bonechewer Berserker's Vest Goldweave Tunic
Sacred Feather Vest Gilded Crimson Chestplate
Jerkin of the Untamed Spirit
Riceverai anche:
Sacred Feather Vest Jerkin of the Untamed Spirit
Goldweave Tunic Gilded Crimson Chestplate
Bonechewer Berserker's Vest


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(10895))

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