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Midsummer Celebrant

Questo PNG si può incontrare qui: Ironforge  (10), Thunder Bluff  (7), Shattrath City  (6), Orgrimmar  (5), Ashenvale  (4), Netherstorm  (4), Tanaris  (4), Teldrassil  (4), Winterspring  (4), Zangarmarsh  (4), Nagrand  (3), Stormwind City  (3), Westfall  (3), Blade's Edge Mountains  (2), Burning Steppes  (2), Dustwallow Marsh  (2), Eversong Woods  (2), Ghostlands  (2), Hellfire Peninsula  (2), Hillsbrad Foothills  (2), Shadowmoon Valley  (2), Silvermoon City  (2), Stonetalon Mountains  (2), Terokkar Forest  (2), Undercity  (2), Western Plaguelands  (2), Arathi Highlands , Blasted Lands , Darkshore , Desolace , Dun Morogh , Elwynn Forest , Feralas , Loch Modan , Northern Barrens , Northern Stranglethorn , Silithus , The Exodar , The Hinterlands , e Tirisfal Glades .

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