
Moonberry Juice

[Vendor Locations]

[This item can be purchased in] Feralas  (70), Elwynn Forest  (59), Durotar  (45), Mulgore  (31), Tirisfal Glades  (31), Northern Stranglethorn  (14), Dustwallow Marsh  (12), Wetlands  (12), Teldrassil  (10), Northern Barrens  (9), Thunder Bluff  (6), Ironforge  (4), Silvermoon City  (4), The Exodar  (4), Undercity  (4), Western Plaguelands  (4), Darnassus  (3), Arathi Highlands  (2), Blasted Lands  (2), Burning Steppes  (2), Desolace  (2), Dire Maul , Duskwood  (2), Moonglade  (2), Orgrimmar  (2), Searing Gorge  (2), Shattrath City  (2), Swamp of Sorrows  (2), Thousand Needles  (2), Westfall  (2), Alterac Valley , Ashenvale , Azshara , Azuremyst Isle , Badlands , Bloodmyst Isle , Darkshore , Dun Morogh , Eastern Plaguelands , Eversong Woods , Felwood , Ghostlands , Hillsbrad Foothills , Loch Modan , Netherstorm , Redridge Mountains , Silithus , Silverpine Forest , Stonetalon Mountains , Stormwind City , Tanaris , The Hinterlands , Un'Goro Crater , e Winterspring .

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