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[Buried Blades]

[Bury the Light-Touched Blades in the bodies of 10 Slain Scourge Troopers.]
[Blades buried] (10)
Objeto provisto:
Hojas tocadas por la Luz (1)


[The Noxious Glade is a quagmire, both literally and figuratively. There's enough Scourge up there to give us trouble for the rest of both of our lifetimes.

They can re-animate the weaker ones when they die, <nombre>. They will never stop coming if we don't do something.

Take these blades and drive them through the corpses of any Scourge troopers you find. The blade is simple, but its enchantment will prevent the dead bones from being reanimated. Forever.]


Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Regalo de Omarion Capucha del Claro Ponzoñoso
Colgante tocado por la Luz
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Comprueba si ya lo has completad escribiendo:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(27467))

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