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Capturas de pantalla

[An Occupation of Time]

[Investigate the 4 intact statues in the Vashj'ir Gardens.]
[Lestharia Vashj statue] (1)
[Queen Azshara statue] (1)
[Ranger Valarian statue] (1)
[High Priestess Siralen statue] (1)


[Look--<nombre> is it?--I need your help. I know most everyone in this cave thinks that we're not in a position to be worrying about anything but our own hides right now, but I cannot dismiss my ancestors so readily.

All I want from you, while you're out in the city proper, is to keep a watchful eye out for objects of significance. The statues interest me especially.]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(25581))

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