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[Trollin' For Volunteers]

[Use Vol'jin's War Drums to recruit 5 Troll Citizens in Razor Hill.

You can speak to Handler Marnlek for a bat ride to Razor Hill.]
[Troll Volunteers recruited] (5)
[Troll Volunteers delivered to Champion Uru'zin] (5)
Objeto provisto:
Tambores de guerra de Vol'jin (1)


[Vol'jin has given me his war drums and put me in charge of trainin' da new recruits here. Only problem is we be short on new recruits.

Supposin' I loaned ya dis drum, would ya use it to sound de call to war on Vol'jin's behalf in Razor Hill? If ya could even inspire just a few trolls to join da cause, it would make a difference. Once ya've convinced dem to volunteer, bring dem back to me for trainin'. Go over an' talk to Handler Marnlek to de south. He can lend you a bat for de ride to Razor Hill.]




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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(25461))

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