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[The War of Northwatch Aggression]

[Destroy the 3 sets of Attack Plans held within Northwatch Foothold.]
[Attack Plan: Valley of Trials burned] (1)
[Attack Plan: Sen'jin Village burned] (1)
[Attack Plan: Orgrimmar burned] (1)


[These humans in the west, they don't just wanna camp out in Durotar, mon. They got bigger plans, and those plans involve takin' our home and leavin' our skulls on pikes.

Well I'm not havin' it. Nope! Not Lar! I've got family here in Sen'jin, and I'll be damned if I let one of those brutes put my Tai'tasi's head on a stick!

They've got their plans written down in there, mon. Big scrolls, real important-lookin'. We gonna burn those scrolls before they burn us.]


Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Cinturón de Thwarter Guanteletes de Durotar
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