Quick Facts
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Inner Shadow


Spell Details

Duration n/a
School Shadow
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
GCD category Normal
Cost 1% of base mana
Range 0 yards (Self)
Cast time Instant
Cooldown 6 seconds
GCD 1.5 seconds
Effect #1Apply Aura: Modifies Damage/Healing Done
Value: 10%
PVP Multiplier: 1

Affected Spells:
Smite Shadow Word: Pain Mind Blast
Shadow Word: Death Mind Spike Holy Word: Chastise
Holy Nova Purge the Wicked Void Torrent
Devouring Plague Inescapable Torment Mindgames
Holy Fire Mind Flay Vampiric Touch
Dark Simulacrum Mindgames Ascended Nova
Unholy Transfusion Ascended Blast Unholy Nova
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Effect #2Apply Aura: Modifies Damage/Healing Done
Value: 10%
PVP Multiplier: 1

Affected Spells:
Dancing Rune Weapon Atonement Atonement
Effect #3Apply Aura: Overrides Actionbar Spell
Inner Light

PVP Multiplier: 1
Effect #4Apply Aura: Modifies Periodic Damage/Healing Done (22)
Value: 10%
PVP Multiplier: 1

Affected Spells:
Smite Shadow Word: Pain Mind Blast
Shadow Word: Death Mind Spike Holy Word: Chastise
Holy Nova Purge the Wicked Void Torrent
Devouring Plague Inescapable Torment Mindgames
Holy Fire Mind Flay Vampiric Touch
Dark Simulacrum Mindgames Ascended Nova
Unholy Transfusion Ascended Blast Unholy Nova
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Effect #5Apply Aura: Add Modifier - % (Label): Modifies Damage/Healing Done
Value: 10%
PVP Multiplier: 1

Affected Spells:
Path of Frost Death and Decay Chains of Ice
Death Coil Death's Advance Anti-Magic Shell
Lichborne Death Grip Death Gate
On a Pale Horse Rune of Razorice Rune of the Fallen Crusader
Runeforging Blood Plague Frost Fever
Dark Command Raise Ally Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle
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Corpse Exploder Death Knight Festering Wound
Val'kyr Rune Strike Veteran of the Fourth War
Rune of Sanguination Rune of Spellwarding Rune of Unending Thirst
Rune of the Apocalypse Death's Advance Army of the Dead
Raise Dead Raise Dead Mind Freeze
Empower Rune Weapon Veteran of the Third War Death Pact
Icebound Fortitude Obliterate Dancing Rune Weapon
Frost Strike Howling Blast Summon Gargoyle
Sudden Doom Death Strike Blood Boil
Anti-Magic Zone Killing Machine Pillar of Frost
Scourge Strike Vampiric Blood Horn of Winter
Dark Transformation Festering Strike Asphyxiate
Gorefiend's Grasp Control Undead Purgatory
Unholy Blight Breath of Sindragosa Defile
Rapid Decomposition Rune Tap Bonestorm
Icy Talons Frozen Pulse Gathering Storm
Glacial Advance All Will Serve Pestilent Pustules
Marrowrend Bloodworms Red Thirst
Anti-Magic Barrier Heart Strike Blooddrinker
Mark of Blood Will of the Necropolis Tightening Grasp
Foul Bulwark Shattering Blade Murderous Efficiency
Runic Attenuation Icecap Avalanche
Blinding Sleet Permafrost Frostscythe
Bursting Sores Ebon Fever Infected Claws
Unholy Assault Clawing Shadows Spell Eater
Wraith Walk Ossuary Tombstone
Heartbreaker Asphyxiate Blood Tap
Inexorable Assault Hemostasis Grip of the Dead
Voracious Consumption Apocalypse
Harbinger of Doom Death's Reach Army of the Damned
Pestilence Death Strike Frostwyrm's Fury
Cold Heart Obliteration Chill Streak
Veteran of the Third War Improved Frost Strike Improved Rime
Pillar of Frost Improved Festering Strike Cleaving Strikes
Improved Vampiric Blood Improved Obliterate Relish in Blood
Unholy Pact Hypothermic Presence Sacrificial Pact
Soul Reaper Death's Echo Proliferating Chill
Blood Scent Suppression Unholy Bond
Unholy Ground Improved Death Strike Assimilation
Brittle Rune Mastery Blood Draw
Improved Bone Shield Improved Heart Strike Reinforced Bones
Perseverance of the Ebon Blade Runic Command Unleashed Frenzy
Everfrost Absolute Zero Biting Cold
Frigid Executioner Rage of the Frozen Champion Bonegrinder
Enduring Strength Frostwhelp's Aid Piercing Chill
Enduring Chill Unholy Aura Reaping
Death Rot Improved Death Coil Ghoulish Frenzy
Festermight Morbidity Leeching Strike
Insatiable Blade Shattering Bone Heartrend
Everlasting Bond Coldthirst Abomination Limb
Unholy Endurance Runic Mastery Plaguebringer
Magus of the Dead Ruptured Viscera Commander of the Dead
Eternal Agony Coil of Devastation Rotten Touch
Vile Contagion Superstrain Blood Feast
Iron Heart Bloodshot Sanguine Ground
Coagulopathy Umbilicus Eternus March of Darkness
Insidious Chill Gloom Ward Enfeeble
Icebreaker Vampiric Strike Newly Turned
Vampiric Speed Blood-Soaked Ground Frenzied Bloodthirst
Vampiric Aura Bloody Fortitude Infliction of Sorrow
Visceral Regeneration The Blood is Life Pact of the San'layn
Sanguine Scent Grim Reaper Smothering Offense
Icy Death Torrent Dark Talons Death's Messenger
Soul Rupture Reaper's Mark Wave of Souls
Expelling Shield Blood Fever Bind in Darkness
Rune Carved Plates Death's Bargain Exterminate
Wither Away Swift End Painful Death
Rider's Champion On a Paler Horse Death Charge
Whitemane's Famine Hungering Thirst Apocalypse Now
Mograine's Might Nazgrim's Conquest Fury of the Horsemen
A Feast of Souls Horsemen's Aid Pact of the Apocalypse
Trollbane's Icy Fury Mawsworn Menace Ice Prison
Runic Protection Subduing Grasp Osmosis
Null Magic Vestigial Shell Menacing Magus
Doomed Bidding Raise Abomination Foul Infections
Festering Scythe Decomposition Shattered Frost
Arctic Assault Cryogenic Chamber Hyperpyrexia
The Long Winter Unyielding Will Bone Collector
Ossified Vitriol Carnage [NYI] Under Construction
Claw Gnaw Leap
Huddle Avoidance Claw
Sweeping Claws Monstrous Blow Gnaw
Shambling Rush Leap Putrid Bulwark
Huddle Smash Cleaver
Cleaver Smash Powerful Smash
Vile Gas Gastric Bloat Protective Bile
Protective Bile Hook Hook
Flesh Hook Acherus Deathcharger Runic Corruption
Rime Mastery: Blood Shield Mastery: Frozen Heart
Mastery: Dreadblade Outbreak Crimson Scourge
Runic Empowerment Might of the Frozen Wastes Plate Specialization
Plate Specialization Plate Specialization Frost Death Knight
Unholy Death Knight Blood Death Knight Riposte
Dark Succor Death's Caress Frost Fever
Remorseless Winter Epidemic Frostreaper
Dark Transformation Blood Fortification Glyph of the Geist
Glyph of Foul Menagerie Glyph of the Skeleton Glyph of Cracked Ice
Glyph of Dry Ice Glyph of the Crimson Shell Glyph of the Chilled Shell
Glyph of Abomination Limb Strangulate Dark Simulacrum
Necrotic Aura Shroud of Winter Decomposing Aura
Rot and Wither Walking Dead Death Chain
Deathchill Reanimation Delirium
Last Dance Dead of Winter Necromancer's Bargain
Life and Death Bitter Chill Doomburst
Necrotic Wounds Bloodforged Armor Spellwarden
Frostwhelp's Indignation Swarming Mist Shackle the Unworthy
Death's Due Abomination Limb Abomination Limb
Abomination Limb Abomination Limb Death's Due
Essence of Ardenweald Might of Maldraxxus Superstrain
Blood Boil Chains of Anguish Ancient Drake Breath
Anti-Magic Zone Anti-Magic Zone Chains of Anguish
Rune of Hysteria Rune of Sanguination Rune of Spellwarding
Rune of the Apocalypse Fallen Crusader Stoneskin Gargoyle
Unending Thirst Death Coil Abomination Limb
Eternal Hunger Chilled Resilience Spirit Drain
Reinforced Shell Accelerated Cold Withering Plague
Eradicating Blow Blood Bond Hardened Bones
Embrace Death Everfrost Fleeting Wind
Unending Grip Insatiable Appetite Meat Shield
Unleashed Frenzy Debilitating Malady Convocation of the Dead
Lingering Plague Impenetrable Gloom Brutal Grasp
Proliferation Withering Ground Geist
Foul Menagerie Skeleton Cracked Ice
Dry Ice Crimson Shell Chilled Shell
Fallow Wings Fel Wings Tattered Wings
Rethu's Incessant Courage Death Knight Blood Class Set 2pc Death Knight Blood Class Set 4pc
Death Knight Frost Class Set 2pc Death Knight Frost Class Set 4pc Death Knight Unholy Class Set 2pc
Death Knight Unholy Class Set 4pc Vigorous Lifeblood Vigorous Lifeblood
Burgeoning Lifeblood Vile Infusion Death Knight Unholy Class Set 4pc
Ghoulish Infusion Death Knight Blood 10.1 Class Set 2pc Death Knight Blood 10.1 Class Set 4pc
Death Knight Frost 10.1 Class Set 2pc Death Knight Frost 10.1 Class Set 4pc Death Knight Unholy 10.1 Class Set 2pc
Death Knight Unholy 10.1 Class Set 4pc Vampiric Strength Wrath of the Frostwyrm
Master of Death Death Dealer Doom Dealer
Lingering Chill Death Knight Blood 10.2 Class Set 2pc Death Knight Blood 10.2 Class Set 4pc
Death Knight Frost 10.2 Class Set 2pc Death Knight Frost 10.2 Class Set 4pc Death Knight Unholy 10.2 Class Set 2pc
Death Knight Unholy 10.2 Class Set 4pc Chilling Rage Death Knight Frost 10.2 Class Set 4pc
Ashen Decay Ashen Decay Death Knight Blood 11.0 Class Set 2pc
Death Knight Blood 11.0 Class Set 4pc Death Knight Frost 11.0 Class Set 4pc Death Knight Unholy 11.0 Class Set 4pc
Death Knight Unholy 11.0 Class Set 2pc Death Knight Frost 11.0 Class Set 2pc Unholy Commander
Icy Vigor
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Effect #6Apply Aura: Add Modifier - % (Label): Modifies Periodic Damage/Healing Done (22)
Value: 10%
PVP Multiplier: 1

Affected Spells:
Path of Frost Death and Decay Chains of Ice
Death Coil Death's Advance Anti-Magic Shell
Lichborne Death Grip Death Gate
On a Pale Horse Rune of Razorice Rune of the Fallen Crusader
Runeforging Blood Plague Frost Fever
Dark Command Raise Ally Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle
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Corpse Exploder Death Knight Festering Wound
Val'kyr Rune Strike Veteran of the Fourth War
Rune of Sanguination Rune of Spellwarding Rune of Unending Thirst
Rune of the Apocalypse Death's Advance Army of the Dead
Raise Dead Raise Dead Mind Freeze
Empower Rune Weapon Veteran of the Third War Death Pact
Icebound Fortitude Obliterate Dancing Rune Weapon
Frost Strike Howling Blast Summon Gargoyle
Sudden Doom Death Strike Blood Boil
Anti-Magic Zone Killing Machine Pillar of Frost
Scourge Strike Vampiric Blood Horn of Winter
Dark Transformation Festering Strike Asphyxiate
Gorefiend's Grasp Control Undead Purgatory
Unholy Blight Breath of Sindragosa Defile
Rapid Decomposition Rune Tap Bonestorm
Icy Talons Frozen Pulse Gathering Storm
Glacial Advance All Will Serve Pestilent Pustules
Marrowrend Bloodworms Red Thirst
Anti-Magic Barrier Heart Strike Blooddrinker
Mark of Blood Will of the Necropolis Tightening Grasp
Foul Bulwark Shattering Blade Murderous Efficiency
Runic Attenuation Icecap Avalanche
Blinding Sleet Permafrost Frostscythe
Bursting Sores Ebon Fever Infected Claws
Unholy Assault Clawing Shadows Spell Eater
Wraith Walk Ossuary Tombstone
Heartbreaker Asphyxiate Blood Tap
Inexorable Assault Hemostasis Grip of the Dead
Voracious Consumption Apocalypse
Harbinger of Doom Death's Reach Army of the Damned
Pestilence Death Strike Frostwyrm's Fury
Cold Heart Obliteration Chill Streak
Veteran of the Third War Improved Frost Strike Improved Rime
Pillar of Frost Improved Festering Strike Cleaving Strikes
Improved Vampiric Blood Improved Obliterate Relish in Blood
Unholy Pact Hypothermic Presence Sacrificial Pact
Soul Reaper Death's Echo Proliferating Chill
Blood Scent Suppression Unholy Bond
Unholy Ground Improved Death Strike Assimilation
Brittle Rune Mastery Blood Draw
Improved Bone Shield Improved Heart Strike Reinforced Bones
Perseverance of the Ebon Blade Runic Command Unleashed Frenzy
Everfrost Absolute Zero Biting Cold
Frigid Executioner Rage of the Frozen Champion Bonegrinder
Enduring Strength Frostwhelp's Aid Piercing Chill
Enduring Chill Unholy Aura Reaping
Death Rot Improved Death Coil Ghoulish Frenzy
Festermight Morbidity Leeching Strike
Insatiable Blade Shattering Bone Heartrend
Everlasting Bond Coldthirst Abomination Limb
Unholy Endurance Runic Mastery Plaguebringer
Magus of the Dead Ruptured Viscera Commander of the Dead
Eternal Agony Coil of Devastation Rotten Touch
Vile Contagion Superstrain Blood Feast
Iron Heart Bloodshot Sanguine Ground
Coagulopathy Umbilicus Eternus March of Darkness
Insidious Chill Gloom Ward Enfeeble
Icebreaker Vampiric Strike Newly Turned
Vampiric Speed Blood-Soaked Ground Frenzied Bloodthirst
Vampiric Aura Bloody Fortitude Infliction of Sorrow
Visceral Regeneration The Blood is Life Pact of the San'layn
Sanguine Scent Grim Reaper Smothering Offense
Icy Death Torrent Dark Talons Death's Messenger
Soul Rupture Reaper's Mark Wave of Souls
Expelling Shield Blood Fever Bind in Darkness
Rune Carved Plates Death's Bargain Exterminate
Wither Away Swift End Painful Death
Rider's Champion On a Paler Horse Death Charge
Whitemane's Famine Hungering Thirst Apocalypse Now
Mograine's Might Nazgrim's Conquest Fury of the Horsemen
A Feast of Souls Horsemen's Aid Pact of the Apocalypse
Trollbane's Icy Fury Mawsworn Menace Ice Prison
Runic Protection Subduing Grasp Osmosis
Null Magic Vestigial Shell Menacing Magus
Doomed Bidding Raise Abomination Foul Infections
Festering Scythe Decomposition Shattered Frost
Arctic Assault Cryogenic Chamber Hyperpyrexia
The Long Winter Unyielding Will Bone Collector
Ossified Vitriol Carnage [NYI] Under Construction
Claw Gnaw Leap
Huddle Avoidance Claw
Sweeping Claws Monstrous Blow Gnaw
Shambling Rush Leap Putrid Bulwark
Huddle Smash Cleaver
Cleaver Smash Powerful Smash
Vile Gas Gastric Bloat Protective Bile
Protective Bile Hook Hook
Flesh Hook Acherus Deathcharger Runic Corruption
Rime Mastery: Blood Shield Mastery: Frozen Heart
Mastery: Dreadblade Outbreak Crimson Scourge
Runic Empowerment Might of the Frozen Wastes Plate Specialization
Plate Specialization Plate Specialization Frost Death Knight
Unholy Death Knight Blood Death Knight Riposte
Dark Succor Death's Caress Frost Fever
Remorseless Winter Epidemic Frostreaper
Dark Transformation Blood Fortification Glyph of the Geist
Glyph of Foul Menagerie Glyph of the Skeleton Glyph of Cracked Ice
Glyph of Dry Ice Glyph of the Crimson Shell Glyph of the Chilled Shell
Glyph of Abomination Limb Strangulate Dark Simulacrum
Necrotic Aura Shroud of Winter Decomposing Aura
Rot and Wither Walking Dead Death Chain
Deathchill Reanimation Delirium
Last Dance Dead of Winter Necromancer's Bargain
Life and Death Bitter Chill Doomburst
Necrotic Wounds Bloodforged Armor Spellwarden
Frostwhelp's Indignation Swarming Mist Shackle the Unworthy
Death's Due Abomination Limb Abomination Limb
Abomination Limb Abomination Limb Death's Due
Essence of Ardenweald Might of Maldraxxus Superstrain
Blood Boil Chains of Anguish Ancient Drake Breath
Anti-Magic Zone Anti-Magic Zone Chains of Anguish
Rune of Hysteria Rune of Sanguination Rune of Spellwarding
Rune of the Apocalypse Fallen Crusader Stoneskin Gargoyle
Unending Thirst Death Coil Abomination Limb
Eternal Hunger Chilled Resilience Spirit Drain
Reinforced Shell Accelerated Cold Withering Plague
Eradicating Blow Blood Bond Hardened Bones
Embrace Death Everfrost Fleeting Wind
Unending Grip Insatiable Appetite Meat Shield
Unleashed Frenzy Debilitating Malady Convocation of the Dead
Lingering Plague Impenetrable Gloom Brutal Grasp
Proliferation Withering Ground Geist
Foul Menagerie Skeleton Cracked Ice
Dry Ice Crimson Shell Chilled Shell
Fallow Wings Fel Wings Tattered Wings
Rethu's Incessant Courage Death Knight Blood Class Set 2pc Death Knight Blood Class Set 4pc
Death Knight Frost Class Set 2pc Death Knight Frost Class Set 4pc Death Knight Unholy Class Set 2pc
Death Knight Unholy Class Set 4pc Vigorous Lifeblood Vigorous Lifeblood
Burgeoning Lifeblood Vile Infusion Death Knight Unholy Class Set 4pc
Ghoulish Infusion Death Knight Blood 10.1 Class Set 2pc Death Knight Blood 10.1 Class Set 4pc
Death Knight Frost 10.1 Class Set 2pc Death Knight Frost 10.1 Class Set 4pc Death Knight Unholy 10.1 Class Set 2pc
Death Knight Unholy 10.1 Class Set 4pc Vampiric Strength Wrath of the Frostwyrm
Master of Death Death Dealer Doom Dealer
Lingering Chill Death Knight Blood 10.2 Class Set 2pc Death Knight Blood 10.2 Class Set 4pc
Death Knight Frost 10.2 Class Set 2pc Death Knight Frost 10.2 Class Set 4pc Death Knight Unholy 10.2 Class Set 2pc
Death Knight Unholy 10.2 Class Set 4pc Chilling Rage Death Knight Frost 10.2 Class Set 4pc
Ashen Decay Ashen Decay Death Knight Blood 11.0 Class Set 2pc
Death Knight Blood 11.0 Class Set 4pc Death Knight Frost 11.0 Class Set 4pc Death Knight Unholy 11.0 Class Set 4pc
Death Knight Unholy 11.0 Class Set 2pc Death Knight Frost 11.0 Class Set 2pc Unholy Commander
Icy Vigor
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