Quick Facts

Glittering Gritty Goodness

Collect 6 Shimmersilt in Shimmerbough.
Shimmersilt (6)


Well, hello there! Fancy helping me out today?

You ever been to Shimmerbough? Ever wonder why it's called that? I was there when it was named, you know.

Lots of people think it's the trees or the water, and they're right. But the secret to the shimmering is in the silt. The soil soaks and gains excess anima from the water, until the ground itself practically sparkles.

I could really go for some shimmersilt right now. Would you let an old mushroom relive his youth?




You will receive:
Duskwarder Knife Duskwarder Scimitar
Duskwarder Censer Duskwarder Scythe
Duskwarder Maul Duskwarder Warclub
Duskwarder Branch Duskwarder Shortbow
Fueled by Violence Faemoss Vestment
Gormhusk Chestguard Runetender Tunic
Show 28 More
Sapsteel Legplates Faemoss Leggings
Gormhusk Kilt Runetender Pants
Runetender Shoulderguards Faemoss Amice
Icy Propulsion Ardendew Pearl
Starlight Catcher Celestial Acorn
Unleashed Frenzy Accrued Vitality
Cheetah's Vigor Powerful Precision
Fel Commando Stinging Strike
Born of the Wilds Unchecked Aggression
Savage Combatant Unstoppable Growth
Fade to Nothing Triple Threat
Perforated Veins Astral Sapwood
Luminous Sylberry Duskfall Tuber
Hibernal Sproutling Bonus Experience


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(62607))

