Quick Facts

Lunar Preservation

Perform the Rite of the Moon at the moonwells scattered around the world. You can find them in Ashenvale, Felwood, Feralas, Moonglade, Stonetalon Mountains, Duskwood, and Mount Hyjal. If you let the Blessing of the Moon expire, you will have to start over.
Staff of Moonflowers charged (1)
Moonwell of Purity blessing received (1)
Moonwell of Cleansing blessing received (1)
Felwood moonwell blessing received (1)
Feralas moonwell blessing received (1)
Moonglade moonwell blessing received (1)
Stonetalon moonwell blessing received (1)
Duskwood moonwell blessing received (1)
Mount Hyjal moonwell blessing received (1)
Blessed Staff of Moonflowers (1)
Provided item:
Staff of Moonflowers (1)


My staff has served me well for many years. It has stood by my side, been through many trials... and as I grow older I find myself leaning on it more and more. Its flowers bloom every Lunar Festival, basking in the Elune's might. They bring me so much joy, I wish for them to stay all year long. I know a way... but my bones are too old to make the trip. Perhaps you would take the journey for me? Empower my staff in the light of the moon at the moonwells around the world. Then my flowers can stay.




You will receive:
Coin of Ancestry


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(56842))


