Quick Facts
View in 3D - HordeView in 3D - Alliance

Kelsey Steelspark / Hobart Grapplehammer

Kelsey Steelspark
Covert Ops Technician
Expert Technician
Adept at making devices, destroying devices or making devices that destroy other devices.
Counters Primary Objective
Stealth Suit
Increases success chance for bonus loot by 30%.
Portable Teleporter
Reduces mission duration by 50%.
Empty Equipment Slot
Place champion equipment here. Equipment can be crafted or purchased from the auction house.
Empty Equipment Slot
Place champion equipment here. Equipment can be crafted or purchased from the auction house.
Hobart Grapplehammer
Expert Technician
Adept at making devices, destroying devices or making devices that destroy other devices.
Counters Primary Objective
The Big One
Increases success chance by 25%, but has a chance to cause 1 extra vitality loss to a random Troop.
Portable Teleporter
Reduces mission duration by 50%.
Empty Equipment Slot
Place champion equipment here. Equipment can be crafted or purchased from the auction house.
Empty Equipment Slot
Place champion equipment here. Equipment can be crafted or purchased from the auction house.

