Quick Facts

Wugou, the Spirit of Earth

This quest is no longer available within the game.
Slap the ox.
Spur the Ox Cart (1)


<name>! Well, the plus side is that finding Wugou was easy enough. Waking him... not so much. I think he's going to wake quite sore from all the pushing and hitting I've done trying to rouse him.

Are you a deep sleeper at all, <name>? What wakes you up in the morning?

Rolling out of bed always seems to do it for me, so I figure let's just go for that! I tied off some ropes to the ox cart. We send it running and give him a good roll, and we should be good! Care to give the ox a good slap to get it going?


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See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(29773))

